The ISP Column
A column on things Internet
Looking for What's Not There
June 2019
DNSSEC is often viewed as a solution looking for a problem. It seems only logical that there is some intrinsic value in being able to explicitly verify the veracity and currency of responses received from DNS queries, yet fleshing this proposition out with practical examples has proved challenging. The relatively slow uptake of DNSSEC-signed zones in the DNS indicates that the value proposition presented by DNSSEC is yet to be proved, and there are frequently cited examples such as the unsigned name as evidence that even well-used domain names do not see the value in being DNSSEC-signed. So where might the value of DNSSEC lie?
Some hope has been invested in DANE, or domain keys in the DNS. The credentials used to support the validity of a TLS-offered domain name certificate could also be published in the DNS, so a client could use the DNS to validate the TLS credentials of the remote end of a connection, and DNSSEC would be used to validate the DNS response. This has failed to gain traction in the browser world, for a set of reasons relating to vulnerability of various forms of stripping attacks by a hostile man-in-the-middle, as well as some concerns about the widespread use of small RSA key sizes in DNSSEC and of course the observation that entire DANE space is vulnerable to a registrar re-delegation attack. There has been some uptake of DANE in the mail space as an anti-spam measure, but the broader objective of using DANE and DNSSEC as a way of reinforcing or even superseding the CA WebPKI structure appears to have come to a grinding halt.
Given that the majority of DNS queries arise from a need to map a domain name to an IP address as a precursor to making some form of network connection, then a signed DNS response would mean that it would be harder for an attacker to substitute a different address into a DNS response and mislead the end user. But while this could've been a serious concern in the past, the widespread adoption of secure transport services in the form of Transport Layer Security (TLS) is often cited as a counter-measure to this form of DNS misdirection.
A TLS connection is expecting a set of credentials that it can use to validate that the remote side of the connection has control of a private key that has been associated with the domain name, demonstrated through the issuance of a X.509 Domain Name Certificate by a trusted Certificate Authority. With TLS, not only does the attacker need to coerce the DNS to provide fake responses, but the attacker needs to coerce other parts of the Internet's infrastructure in order to generate a plausible, but ultimately fake, domain name certificate for this form of misdirection to succeed.
The experience with name substitution attacks points to the observation that it's far easier to mislead a domain name registrar and have the registrar redelegate the entire zone to name servers operated by the attacker. If the zone is DNSSEC-signed, then the same registrar attack can substitute DS records and any defensive aspects of DNSSEC are negated. Online CA can then be used to issue certificates to the redelegated name and the attack is successful, at least in the short term.
Does DNSSEC have any other immediate uses? Is there any other value today in signing a domain name?
One unexpected potential use case has arisen from the way in which the DNS communicates the non-existence of a domain name. If a DNS authoritative name server serves pre-signed zones, then it cannot sign what is not in the static zone file, so it cannot sign in advance the collection of NXDOMAIN responses for all possible names that are not defined in a DNS zone. Instead, DNSSEC has defined an alternative approach where DNSSEC is used to sign the 'gaps' between the names in a zone when the names are lexicographically ordered. Even with NSEC3 this is effective, as NSEC3 simply redefines the ordering of a zone labels to make simple zone enumeration slightly harder. A DNSSEC-signed NXDOMAIN response says far more than the non-existence of a single name. It asserts that a range of names does not exist, and the same response can be used for a query for any name that sits within the range. A DNSSEC-aware recursive resolver could cache these negative range responses and re-use them in response to queries for any name that falls within these ranges without passing a query to the zone's authoritative name server.
This negative caching process still sounds pretty esoteric. However, the value here lies in defending against random name attacks in the DNS. If an attacker can orchestrate a set of slave bots to each offer a low rate of DNS queries to randomly generate names within the targeted zone, then the recursive resolvers will pass the queries onward to the zone’s authoritative servers as a local cache miss. With enough bots in the attack the overall result can be an overwhelming load on the zone’s authoritative servers, as illustrated in the October 2016 attack on DYN's DNS infrastructure.
How can we defend ourselves against such random name DNS attacks? We seem to be completely unable to stop the creation of bot armies. We also seem to be completely unable to stop these bots running scripts that generate random DNS query names. But perhaps we can make recursive resolvers more capable here, and task them with generating the NXDOMAIN responses to these random names, instead of passing the query onto the authoritative servers. If the zone is DNSSEC-signed, and the recursive resolver performs DNSSEC validation, and is also performing NSEC caching, as described in RFC 8198, then the recursive resolvers will directly answer these random name queries from their cache if they can with the result that most of these non-existent name queries will not be passed on to the authoritative name servers.
This NSEC caching behaviour of recursive resolvers was analyzed in a lab configuration by CZNIC’s Petr Špaček, using a query replay tool to feed queries into recursive resolvers, comparing a NSEC caching configuration against a conventional NXDOMAIN cache. [] His conclusion was that NSEC caching is particularly effective in mitigating the effects of a random name attack.
A number of major providers of DNS recursive resolver tools, including BIND, Unbound and KNOT perform NSEC caching, either as a configuration option or by default.
At APNIC Labs we have been spending some time looking at the state of DNS infrastructure in the DNS, and we thought it would be helpful to see whether DNSSEC and NSEC caching was making a difference in the DNS these days. We were hoping to answer the question: How effective is NSEC caching today?
This has been a challenging question to answer, as we are trying to measure what can’t be directly seen. We need to look for queries for non-existing names that are not passed to a zone's authoritative name server. In other words, we are looking for absent queries about absent names!
Once again, we've turned to the online advertising measurement platform to perform this measurement. The platform distributes some 5-10M ads per day across the entire "eyeball" internet, and the ad contains embedded Javascript that directs the test subject to fetch a small set of URLs. By using DNS names that are served by authoritative name servers that we manage, we can observe the DNS interactions between the recursive resolvers used by the end client and the experiment’s DNS servers. We can’t directly observe the client’s actions, nor can we see what’s happening in the DNS between the client and their recursive resolvers, as our only vantage point is our servers at the other end of the connection.
In this case the NSEC caching test is relatively simple to describe. The script requests the client to fetch an object from a URL where the domain name is signed, but the name itself does not exist. Two seconds later the script requests the client to fetch a second object from a URL where the domain name also does not exist, but it sits within the negative rage that is covered by an NSEC record from the first request. We are looking for clients where we see a recursive resolver fetch the first name, but not the second.
Looking for a query that is not meant to happen is not easy, as there is also an element of partial execution of these measurement scripts, so non-existent queries can be readily confused with experimental noise. To help with the interpretation of results, we use a two-step DNS process, where a unique name resolves to a CNAME response (DNSSEC signed) that maps into the non-existent name, and the experiment uses two passes, where the first pass is intended to load a cache and the second is intended to use the cache. Figure 1 shows the DNS query sequence.
The stub resolver running in the end client system is tasked to resolve two domain names, both using random labels. The first name is drawn from a DNSSEC-signed zone, while the second is not.
When the authoritative name server receives a query for the first name it will response with a CNAME record pointing to a name in a different signed zone. When this followup name is queried the authoritative server will respond with an NXDOMAIN code. If the query included the EDNS(0) DNSSEC OK flag (DO bit) then the authoritative server will also return an NSEC record that spans the name space of the followup zone.
The second name is unsigned, and always generates an NXDOMAIN response.
The experiment script will pause for 2 seconds and then repeat the two queries but use a slightly different query name. For the signed zone the CNAME response will use a name that sits within the span defined by the earlier NSEC record. If the recursive resolver is performing NSEC caching then the recursive resolver will generate a response based on this NSEC record and will not query the authoritative server. In the above example in Figure 1, the query for “name3.signed2.example” can be answered from the local NSEC cache.
We now have a test that in theory can identify where NSEC-caching recursive resolvers are being used. Such an NSEC-caching recursive resolver will only generate 5 queries to the authoritative name server, while non-security-aware recursive resolvers, and non-NSEC-caching resolvers will query for all 6 unique names.
A surprisingly high 29% of the Internet's users use recursive resolvers that perform DNSSEC validation. Some 8% of users use a mixed environment where there are both DNSSEC-validating and non-valuing resolvers, such that when the DNSSEC-validating resolver returns SERVFAIL, indicating validation failure, the user’s stub resolver will re-query using a non-validating resolver. The other 21% of users exclusively use DNSSEC-validating recursive resolvers. (Figure 2)
GEOFF HUSTON B.Sc., M.Sc., is the Chief Scientist at APNIC, the Regional Internet Registry serving the Asia Pacific region.