The Architecture and Design of the Network

Part 6

< h2>Implementing the Network

Geoff Huston, July 1994

Copyright (c) Geoff Huston, 1994

Stitching it all Together

     - roll out
      - shipping
      - end site training / interaction

The next area to examine is the actual roll out of the network services. If this has been well coordinated this phase should be relatively rapid. The major piece of advice is to understand the environment where each routing unit is to be deployed, and pre-configure the unit to match this. In this way the units can be shipped pre-configured, and deployment is then a matter of interconnecting the various LAN and WAN interface cables.

In terms of end site interaction there are two interaction mechanisms:

These areas will be covered in more detail in a related document, and very comprehensive examination of this topic is covered in a publication TCP/IP Network Administration by Craig Hunt, published by O'Reilly & Associates.


1. Architectural Principles

2. The Design of the Network

3. Engineering the Network - The Client Interface

4. Engineering the Network - External Peering

5. Engineering the Network - Infrastructure

6. Implementing the Network

7. The Operational Environment

8. The Policy Environment

GH, July 1994