Internet DRAFT - draft-wang-dnsop-cachesurvey


    DNSOP Working Group                                           Wei Wang 
    Internet Draft                                              Zhiwei Yan
    Intended status: Informational                                   NANEL       
    Expires: August 2015                                 February 24, 2015 

                    A Survey of the DNS cache service in China 


       DNS cache directly serves the DNS queries from stub resolvers as the 
       data source in the specified network area. For the present, however, 
       operators manage and run the cache service in a diversified manner. 
       This arouses the main motivation of this survey report. Instead of 
       regulating or specifying the operation of the DNS cache service, our 
       aim is to investigate the situation of the DNS cache service (at 
       least in mainland China) and propose the future operation 
       recommendations with solid practical foundation.  

    Requirements Language 

       The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
       "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this 
       document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119]. 

    Status of this Memo 

       This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with 
       the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 

       Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
       Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that 
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       Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
       months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
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       This Internet-Draft will expire on August, 2015. 
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    Copyright Notice 

       Copyright (c) 2010 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
       document authors.  All rights reserved.  

       This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
       Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
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       warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 

    Table of Contents 

       1. Survey respondents .......................................... 2 
       2. Survey results .............................................. 3 
          2.1. Overview ............................................... 3 
          2.2. Architecture improvement of recursive service .......... 3 
          2.3. Local cache service .................................... 4 
             2.3.1. Root zone file cache .............................. 4 
             2.3.2. TLD zone file cache ............................... 4 
             2.3.3. TOP-N domain names cache .......................... 4 
       3. Analysis .................................................... 5 
       Survey contributors ............................................ 6 
       APPENDIX: Recommendations ...................................... 7 
       Author's Address ............................................... 7 
       Acknowledgment ................................................. 8 

      1. Survey respondents 

       This survey covers three main Internet service providers (ISPs) in 
       China and the top three recursive service providers in China, as 

       1) China Telecom Co.Ltd. 

       2) China United Network Communications Group Co.Ltd. 

       3) China Mobile Communications Co.,Ltd. 

       4) Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd. 

       5) Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 
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       6) Tencent Holdings Ltd. 

      2. Survey results 

       So as to present the survey results clearly and concisely, we select 
       only the key results and have them listed with analytical logics. 

    2.1. Overview 

       In order to make this survey rational, six most representative 
       survey respondents are selected. Half of them are typical ISPs and 
       the others are typical public recursive service providers in China. 
       All the six survey respondents deploy recursive service quite widely 
       with stable service scale. 

       (In consider of the business secret protection, the geographical 
       coverage, amount of the clients and service scale of the survey 
       respondents are not given here because it is inappropriate to show 
       them together.) 

    2.2. Architecture improvement of recursive service 

       To meet the respective demands of business operation and IT 
       operation, recursive service operators simultaneously take the same 
       architecture model, transformingthe classical textbookish recursive 
       server into a composite architecture consisted of three independent 
       servers: online cache, recursive server and offline (or backup) 
       server. We denote this kind of recursive service architecture as
       "Big  recursive service" in view of its large scale and serious 
       influence, as shown in Figure 1. 

                            |                        | 
                            |      +-+-+-+-+         | 
                            |      |Backup |         | 
                            |      |server |         | 
                            |      +-+-+-+-+         | 
                            |                        | 
              +-+-+-+-+-+   | +-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+ |  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
              |Stub     |   | |Online |  |Recursive| |  |Authoritative| 
              |resolver |-----|cache  |  |server   |----|server       | 
              +-+-+-+-+-+   | +-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+ |  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
                            |                        | 
                            |  Big recursive service | 
                       Figure 1. Big recursive service model 

       Specifically, the online cache serves the stub resolvers directly, 
       and the backup server is mainly used in the emergency case as a 

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       backup data source, while the recursive server fetches DNS data from 
       the authoritative servers. 

    2.3. Local cache service 

       All the six survey respondents deploy the local cache service. Due 
       to different business requirements, they all cache the TOP-N domain 
       names, while three of them cache the root and TLD zone files as well.  

       (We here use the term "local" to manifest the administration 
       boundary of the service, such as province region of an ISP, covering 
       area of DNS end users and etc.) 

    2.3.1. Root zone file cache 

       For the three ISPs, they all cache the root zone file. 

       The actual requirement to cache the root zone file is for the 
       emergency response and it is not used as online service. For each 
       ISP, the root zone file cache is deployed in one server instance in 
       a shared manner (in province level) to cover all the recursive 
       servers in its related autonomous area. 

       The data is updated once per day from open data source, but the 
       integrity and correctness of the downloaded data are not 
       verified (for example with DNSSEC). 

    2.3.2. TLD zone file cache 

       For the three ISPs, all of them cache some TLD zone files. The 
       actual requirement and deployment model of the TLD zone file cache 
       is the same as the case of root zone file cache. 

       The data is updated once per day from open data source but the 
       integrity and correctness of the downloaded data are not verified 
       (for example with DNSSEC). 

    2.3.3. TOP-N domain names cache 

       All the six survey respondents cache the resource records of TOP-N 
       domain names. The selected TOP-N domain names are different between 
       different survey respondents based on respective online service log 
       and scale. But the scales of cached domain names can varied from 1 
       million to 100 million regarding to the amount of end user and the 
       business policy of operators.  

       The cached data is directly used for responding the requests from the 
       stub resolvers in order to satisfy the stub resolvers most 
       efficiently. Besides, the cached data is maintained in an active 
       manner with some respondents, for example, some recursive 
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       servers anticipate the expiration of the cached data and fetch it 
       without receiving the actual request from client.  

      3. Analysis 

       In the following, the positive and negative impacts of the "Big 
       recursive service" on the DNS ecosystem are analyzed: 

       1) Online cache 

          a) Positive points: The online cache of the six survey respondents 
             is in large amount, almost above million levels. In this way, 
             stub resolvers can be served efficiently and it reduces the 
             impacts of attacks towards the recursive server. 

          b) Negative points: It will break the balance of the classical DNS 
             model as the query amount of authoritative server is inversely 
             proportional to the cache scale. The amount of queries will 
             decrease with the enlargement of online cache. In an extreme 
             case, the authoritative server could recognize only one request 
             from China during valid TTL period if only one single online 
             cache covers all DNS requests in China. 

       2) Backup server 

          a) Positive points: The backup server is maintained in order to 
             recover the DNS resolution service in the emergency case.There 
             are two types of data in the backup server: a) zone files 
             (including the root and TLDs); b) snapshot of the online 

          b) Negative points: Currently, backup server can be activated by 
             the operator without notifying the related authoritative server. 
             It means that the authoritative server will be completely 
             replaced by backup server in emergency area, and queries from 
             that area will drop steeply even till to zero. 

       3) Recursive server 

          a) Positive points: The load of the recursive server will be 
             decreased significantly. And it only focuses on the 
             communication with authoritative server. In this way, the 
             operation and failure risk will reduce. 

          b) Negative points: Due to the above mentioned cache functions, 
             recursive server has degenerated as the "weak" tool, which only 
             fetches and refreshes the authoritative data in the cache or 
             helps scheduling some sophisticated applications like CDN 
             service (e.g., to schedule the client to the suitable server 
             instance according to the geographical location of the client). 
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             In this way, requests sent from recursive server to 
             authoritative server may not be actually triggered by stub 
             resolvers, or if they are wholly simulated, it will result in the 
             distortion of the query behavior at authoritative server, and 
             the judgment of administrator will be affected correspondingly. 

    Survey contributors 

       The following individuals served as experts and representatives of 
       the survey respondents during the completion of this survey report. 
       The contributions from their respective experience as a stakeholder, 
       a corporate manager or technical expert had bestowed essential 
       guidance to the analysis and conclusions presented herein. 
       Contributors may not agree with all the observations statedin the 
       document, but all agree that it presents an important reference for 
       succeeding works. In addition to those listed below, there were an 
       equal number of contributors with equal stature whose names are not 
       included for various reasons.  

          Ziqian Liu 
          China Telecom Co. Ltd. 

          Hailong Bai
          China United Network Communications Group Co. Ltd. 

          Juan Zhang
          China Mobile Communications Co.,Ltd. 

          Shuang Li
          Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. 

          Xiaohong Shi 
          Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd. 

          Yougen Zou 
          Tencent Holdings Ltd. 
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    APPENDIX: Recommendations 

       As emphasized in the abstract, this survey is motivated from the 
       cooperation of cache service and then the following suggestions 
       areproposed based on the above conclusions, in order to optimize the 
       DNS cache service: 

       1) Considering the wide deployment of the "Big recursive service" 
       and its impacts mentioned above, a transparent, harmonious and win-
       win cooperation between authoritative server and recursive server is 
       needed. Typically, authoritative server may provide the recursive 
       server with the latest authoritative data to improve the cache hit-
       ratio and emergency response ability, and the recursive server may 
       provide the authoritative server the local query statistical data 
       along with a normal NS or zone query as a service optimization factor
       for the authoritative service operator. 

       2) Operators individually manage the backup server mainly as an 
       emergency response of the recursive service in the autonomous area. 
       It is suggested that local community should construct and maintain a 
       trusted and shared backup server cooperately, and in this way, the 
       emergency recovery function of the backup servercan cover more 
       recursive services. This trusted and shared backup server is the 
       representative of local community and it is more eligible to build up 
       a more efficient and fluent scheme to manage and collect the backup 

       (We herein only list the main suggestions to coordinate the recursive 
       service. Detailed solution and service architecture will be proposed 
       in the future. Of course, some operators may favor these ideas, but 
       they don't need to be standardized) 


    Author's Address 

       Wei Wang 
       NANEL (Naming&Addressing National Engeering Lab)
       No.4 South 4th Street, Zhongguancun 
       Beijing, P. R. China 
       Zhiwei Yan 
       NANEL (Naming&Addressing National Engeering Lab)
       No.4 South 4th Street, Zhongguancun 
       Beijing, P. R. China 
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       Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the 
       Internet Society. 

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