Internet DRAFT - draft-hp-detnet-tsn-queuing-mechanisms-evaluation


DetNet                                                       Jinjie. Yan
Internet-Draft                                               Yufang. Han
Intended status: Informational                              Shaofu. Peng
Expires: 21 June 2024                                    ZTE Corporation
                                                            Yuehong. Gao
                      Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
                                                        19 December 2023

           Analysis and Evaluation for TSN Queuing Mechanisms


   TSN technology standards developed in the IEEE 802.1TSN Task Group
   define the time-sensitive mechanism to provide deterministic
   connectivity through IEEE 802 networks, i.e., guaranteed packet
   transport with bounded latency, low packet delay variation, and low
   packet loss.This document summarizes and evaluates various queuing
   technologies of TSN as reference information for Scaling
   Deterministic Networks
   Requirements[I-D.ietf-detnet-scaling-requirements] and Enhancing
   Deterministic Forwarding.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 21 June 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  TSN queuing and shaping technologies  . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Frame Preemption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       2.1.1.  Frame Preemption Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       2.1.2.  Frame Preemption Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  CBS(Credit-Based Shaper)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       2.2.1.  CBS(CBS Overview) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       2.2.2.  CBS Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.3.  TAS(Time-Aware Shaping) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       2.3.1.  TAS Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       2.3.2.  TAS Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.4.  CQF(Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding)  . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       2.4.1.  CQF Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       2.4.2.  CQF Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     2.5.  ECQF(Enhancements to Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding) . . .   9
       2.5.1.  ECQF Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       2.5.2.  ECQF Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     2.6.  ATS(Asynchronous Traffic Shaping) . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       2.6.1.  ATS Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       2.6.2.  ATS Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   3.  Evaluation of TSN queuing mechanism with the requirements of
           scaling Deterministic networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.1.  Tolerate Time Asynchrony  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.2.  Support Large Single-hop Propagation Latency  . . . . . .  14
     3.3.  Accommodate the Higher Link Speed . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.4.  Be Scalable to The Large Number of Flows and Tolerate High
           Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     3.5.  Prevent Flow Fluctuation from Disrupting Service  . . . .  16
     3.6.  Be Scalabcle to a Large Number of Hops with Complex
           Topology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     3.7.  Tolerate Failures of Links or Nodes and Topology
           changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     3.8.  Support Multi-Mechanisms in Single Domain and
           Multi-Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   4.  Evaluation results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   5.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

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   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

1.  Introduction

   Time sensitive networking (TSN) makes it possible to carry data
   traffic of time-critical and/or mission-critical applications over a
   bridged Ethernet network shared by various kinds of applications with
   different Quality of Service(QoS) requirements, i.e., time and/or
   mission critical TSN traffic and non-TSN best effort traffic.  TSN
   provides guaranteed data transport with bounded low latency, low
   delay variation, and extremely low data loss for time and/or mission
   critical traffic.  By reserving resources for critical traffic, and
   applying various queuing and shaping techniques, TSN guarantees a
   worst-case end-to-end latency for critical data, and achieves zero
   congestion loss for critical data traffic.  TSN also provides ultra-
   reliability for data traffic via a data packet level reliability
   mechanism as well as protection against bandwidth violation,
   malfunctioning, malicious attacks, etc.

   At present, TSN series standards are basically mature and provide
   queuing or scheduling algorithms that support different delay
   accuracies, such as frame preemption ([IEEE802.3br] and
   [IEEE802.1Qbu]), CBS ([IEEE802.1Qav]), CQF ([IEEE802.1Qch]), ECQF
   ([IEEE802.1Qdv]), TAS ([IEEE802.1Qbv]), ATS ([IEEE802.1Qcr]), etc.
   These mechanisms provide QoS capabilities for different application
   scenarios, such as CBS guarantees the upper bound of latency while
   ensuring rate, ATS provides low latency services for emergency flows.
   These two can be classified as mechanisms with bounded latency.  CQF
   can provide delay jitter independent of the number of hops, while TAS
   can provide extremely low jitter through precise calculations.  These
   two can be classified as mechanisms for jitter control.  The
   following sections will analyze these queueing technologies one by

2.  TSN queuing and shaping technologies

2.1.  Frame Preemption

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2.1.1.  Frame Preemption Overview

   Frame preemption mechanism was introduced to mitigate negative
   effects of the guard band reserved by the TAS.  As it requires
   modifications of both management (IEEE 802.1) and Ethernet MAC (IEEE
   802.3) functions, two working groups jointly proposed required
   changes to both standards.  Therefore, the frame preemption is
   described in two different standard documents: [IEEE802.1Qbu] and

   [IEEE802.3br], also named Interspersing Express Traffic,
   differentiates two types of traffic: preemptable (also called
   mPacket) and express.  The type of a frame is identified by examining
   the VLAN tag defined by IEEE 802.1Q.  Frames arriving from the MAC
   client are serviced either by preemptable MAC (pMAC) or express MAC
   (eMAC).  If both frames arrive at the same time, express traffic is
   serviced first as it has higher priority.  In the case when express
   frame arrives while preemptable frame is already being transmitted on
   egress port, if certain conditions are met, it will interrupt current
   transmission . After express traffic has been serviced, the
   transmission of interrupted frame is resumed and different parts of
   the interrupted frame are re-assembled by a MAC Merge Sublayer (MMS)
   that is a part of the modified Ethernet MAC which supports frame

   It is important to note that frame fragmentation works on link-by-
   link basis, i.e., each switch forwards preemptable frame only after
   it is fully re-assembled.  This is clearly different from end-to-end
   packet fragmentation that is commonly used in IP networks.  This
   ensures compatibility with the devices that do not support frame
   preemption mechanism.

2.1.2.  Frame Preemption Analysis

   As explained earlier, the main motivation behind the frame preemption
   mechanism is to reduce the length of guard band enforced by the TAS.
   Without frame preemption, reserved guard band must match the
   transmission time of the largest low-priority frame.  In the case of
   100 Mbps Ethernet, the worst-case time would be around 125us
   (transmission time of the largest Ethernet frame), which represents a
   huge bandwidth penalty.Frame preemption allows reducing the guard
   band down to approximately 12us which is tenfold improvement.  It can
   also be combined with other queue technologies to minimize the
   interference delay from low priority packets.

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2.2.  CBS(Credit-Based Shaper)

2.2.1.  CBS(CBS Overview)

   CBS proposed by [IEEE802.1Qav] divides time-sensitive services which
   need to be transmitted preferentially into two classes: class A and
   class B, and sets a certain bandwidth for them.  Through priority
   mapping, TSN flows with different priorities enter different queues
   for scheduling respectively.  As described in Section of
   [IEEE802.1Qav], the credits of each class increase according to the
   idle slope (as the guaranteed rate), and decrease according to the
   send slope (usually equal to idle slop minus port transmit rate),
   both of which are parameters of the CBS.

   TSN flows are gently sent to the network by credit evaluation to deal
   with data burst and aggregation, CBS can limit burst traffic and
   prevent audio and video streams arriving at the same time from
   different terminals, which generates significant buffering
   congestion, resulting in packet loss.

2.2.2.  CBS Analysis

   CBS sets the pre-configuration of bandwidth limit for each traffic
   class.  Typically set 75% of the maximum bandwidth for bandwidth
   intensive applications such as audio and video.

   CBS does not rely on time synchronization, but still rely on
   frequency synchronization.  So it can be applied in scenarios such as
   cross clock domains, non strict time synchronization, and
   asynchronous clocks.

   The disadvantage of CBS is that the average latency will increase,
   although the combination of CBS and SRP (Stream Reservation Protocol)
   can limit the latency of each bridge to less than 250us.  The
   paper[AVB-Latency] analyzes that in small-scale networks using FE
   (Fast Ethernet, 100Mbps) ports, CBS can guarantee a worst-case
   latency of less than 2 milliseconds for Class A and less than 50
   milliseconds for Class B under a maximum of 7 hops.  However, other
   papers[ClassA-Latency-Calc] shows the conclusion is not valid, it
   indicates that there is still a problem of delay degradation in CBS
   due to burstiness cascade.  In general, the more hops, the worse the
   delay degradation . In large-scale networks, the number of network
   hops is usually large, such as 15 or more hops, which poses great
   challenges for the deployment of CBS independently.  The upper bound
   of latency can not meet the requirements of many services which need
   low latency.

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2.3.  TAS(Time-Aware Shaping)

2.3.1.  TAS Overview

   In industrial IoT application scenarios, some time-sensitive streams
   will carry critical information.  These streams require highly
   predictable delay and jitter in transmission.  If the delay or jitter
   exceeds the threshold, it may cause serious consequences.  At the
   same time, most of these streams are transmitted according to a
   certain time period, and streams with this characteristic are called
   Scheduled Traffic.

   For the Scheduled Traffic, CBS transmission algorithm can not meet
   the requirements, because in CBS algorithm, if a low priority frame
   is already being transmitted, then that transmission will complete
   before a higher priority frame can access the transmission medium, so
   there could be a delay of up to a maximum-sized frame before a high
   priority transmission can start.  If such delays occur at every hop,
   then the accumulated latency could be unacceptably large.

   To address this issue, [IEEE802.1Qbv] proposes the TAS mechanism.  As
   Scheduled Traffic is a periodic stream, it is possible to determine
   the time when each packet of streams arrives at each network device
   after Scheduled Traffic starts to transmit.  As long as sufficient
   bandwidth is reserved for Scheduled Traffic on these devices in
   advance, it can ensure that other non-scheduled traffic will not
   interfere with the transmission of Scheduled Traffic.

   TAS provides a scheduling mechanism of gate operations, which is
   based on high-precision clock synchronization.  Each port of the TSN
   bridge has a gate control list (GCL) for opening or closing
   operations, and the 8 queues at these ports need to be associated
   with each of the 8 Transmission Gates respectively.  Each entry in
   the GCL corresponds to a gate operation, and then packets are
   selected from the queue for transmission based on the gate control
   list.  The gate control list contains two items: GateState and
   Timelnterval.  GateState is used to set the state of Transmission
   Gate corresponding to queues, there are two states for each
   Transmission Gate: Open and Closed.  "Open" means that packets in the
   associated queue can be transmitted according to the corresponding
   transmission algorithm, while "Closed" means that packets in the
   associated queue are not allowed to be transmitted.  TimeInterval
   indicates the duration of the gate state.  After TimeInterval ticks
   have elapsed since the completion of the previous gate operation in
   the GCL, control passes to the next gate operation.

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   Since transmission operation is an "atomic operation", in order to
   avoid the situation that the packet in corresponding queue can not be
   completely transmitted before the gate is closed, TAS defines an
   advanced check mechanism.  If a packet cannot be fully transmitted
   within the remaining time of the corresponding gate operation state
   is open, this packet will not be transmitted until the next time when
   the gate is opened.

   In order to ensure that the remaining non-scheduled traffic cannot
   affect the transmission of scheduled traffic, TAS uses a guard band
   (Guard Band) mechanism long enough to stop the transmission of non-
   scheduled traffic in advance of the protected time slot to be certain
   that the last non-scheduled transmission has completed before
   scheduled traffic transmission starts.  In the worst case, the last
   non-scheduled transmission would start a maximum-sized frame
   transmission before the start of the scheduled traffic "window".  In
   effect, a guard band is created before the time that the scheduled
   traffic transmission is due to start; transmission of non-scheduled
   traffic is not permitted between the start of the guard band and the
   start of the scheduled traffic window.  The simplest approach for the
   guard band is to be as long as a maximum-sized frame transmission

2.3.2.  TAS Analysis

   The premise of TAS is that all terminals and network devices need to
   achieve nanosecond clock synchronization across the network (such as
   [IEEE1588], [IEEE802.1AS])to ensure that the GCL time of all outgoing
   ports is synchronized.  Appropriate transmission "windows" can be
   arranged for the scheduled traffic at each outgoing port to achieve
   that the traffic can obtain extremely low transmission delay by
   accurate calculation.  But when the network topology scale is large,
   that is, there may be a large number of nodes and links, it is
   usually difficult to achieve real-time synchronization, that limits
   the deployment of TAS; At the same time, large-scale networks carry a
   massive number of application flows, which will be a great challenge
   for TAS that relies on precise calculations and complex

   On the other hand, the transmission window reserved for deterministic
   flows through GCL is usually exclusive.  During the time period when
   the gate state of the queue associated with scheduled flows is open,
   even if the scheduled traffic does not arrive as expected, the
   transmission opportunities during this period will not be shared with
   other non-scheduled flows.  Therefore, the bandwidth utilization in
   this scenario is insufficient.

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2.4.  CQF(Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding)

2.4.1.  CQF Overview

   CQF follows the gate operations of the TAS mechanism: when the gate
   is open, the packets in the queue are allowed to be forwarded to the
   next node; when the gate is closed, incoming packets are buffered in
   the queue before they are allowed to transmit.  CQF simplifies the
   design of TAS by installing fixed configurations on the GCL.  Time in
   CQF networks is divided into cycles with equal value T, and there are
   two queues performing enqueue and dequeue operations in a cyclic
   manner under the control of RX GCL and TX GCL.  When the packets
   enter the queue Q1 in cycle duration T(cycle c), the receiving gate
   of Q1 opens.  Meanwhile, the output sending gate of Q2 opens, packets
   are transmitted to the next hop.  When the next cycle(c+ 1) starts,
   the output sending gate of Q1 opens and sends the packets received in
   the previous cycle, the receiving gate of Q2 is open and starts to
   receive new packets.  This cyclic queuing and forwarding mode can
   achieve transmission in a fixed duration that does not exceed 2T on
   per hop.  CQF could provide the deterministic latency relies on two
   principles.  First, the upstream and downstream nodes are perfectly
   synchronized, and the rotation of the upstream sending cycle and the
   downstream receiving cycle must be consistent.  Second, a packet
   received at the cycle must be sent at the next cycle in a node.
   Thus, the predictable end-to-end latency only depends on the cycle
   size and path length, and regardless of topology.  CQF is useful for
   applications that do not require very small latency and jitter, but
   which are still real-time and require bounded worst-case latency.

2.4.2.  CQF Analysis

   CQF can provide deterministic services with a maximum jitter of no
   more than 2T.  The key issue is how to select the size of the cycle T
   and calculate the start time of the flow.  The length of the queue is
   directly related to the size of cycle.  If the cycle is too small,
   the queue is short too.  Although the single hop queuing delay for
   traffic transmission is very small, there is not enough space to
   buffer more incoming flows, which can lead to a large number of flows
   that can not be scheduled; If the cycle is too large, it also means
   that queuing delay will become too large on per hop, which will
   result in a large end-to-end worst-case delay.  Some traffic with
   requirements of low latency can not be scheduled, and larger queue
   lengths will also require more buffer resources.  Due to limited
   underlying hardware resources, the difficulty and cost of hardware
   implementation are directly proportional to the buffer size.

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   It is necessary to carefully select the cycle size which needs to be
   large enough to accommodate all deterministic traffic, and in
   addition, the cycle includes a time duration called dead time (DT),
   which is the sum of delays 1, 2, 3 and 4 defined in Figure 1 of
   [RFC9320].  The value of DT ensures that the last packet of a cycle
   on the upstream node can be fully transmitted to the buffer of the
   same cycle on the downstream node.  In the case of LAN, DT is
   relatively small compared to cycle T and is considered negligible, so
   only two buffer queues can run well.  But in some deterministic
   networks, a single hop over a long distance can produce a large
   delay.  Considering that the optical transmission speed in fiber is
   200000km/s, the propagation delay of some long-distance links can be
   in the order of a few milliseconds, which is much larger than in LAN,
   and cannot be ignored.  In order to cover the DT, more buffer queues
   need to be introduced.

   On the other hand,the dead time (DT) reduces the available time for
   deterministic stream transmission within the cycle time, that make it
   impossible to deliver high-bandwidth services with extremely low
   jitter.  Meanwhile, like TAS, classic CQF also rely on nanosecond
   clock synchronization across the entire network, where all network
   nodes align their cycle boundaries, and they cooperate with each
   other.  This pattern limits the application of CQF in networks where
   precise time synchronization cannot be deployed.

   In addition, a large amount of deterministic traffic demands will
   produce more fluctuations when dynamic services join or leave, which
   requires corresponding resource scheduling algorithms to allocate
   resources appropriately among multiple flows to avoid transmission
   conflicts.  For example, in some complex aggregation situations, a
   large number of traffic with periodic characteristics may be gathered
   at a certain intermediate node.  If the scheduling result is not
   appropriate, it will result in traffic congestion in one queue of the
   intermediate aggregation node, while the other part of the queue is
   idle, the traffic distribution is not balanced enough, which also
   exacerbates the probability of traffic conflicts.  Currently CQF rely
   on overprovision to solve this problem, but this will result in a
   small scale of supported flows.  Therefore, it is necessary to
   introduce optimized traffic planning design with path calculation and
   resource reservation, such as planning through a centralized
   controller, but it also puts higher requirements on the algorithm.

2.5.  ECQF(Enhancements to Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding)

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2.5.1.  ECQF Overview

   ECQF specifies procedures, protocols and managed objects for enhanced
   CQF, to avoid the requirement for system clock synchronization.  ECQF
   specifies a transmission selection procedure that organizes frames in
   a traffic class output queue into logical bins that are output in
   strict rotation at a fixed frequency.  It ensures that each bin will
   be emptied before the next bin is due for transmission.  There are
   two ways of filling the bins: Time-based CQF stores received frames
   into bins based on the time of reception of the frame.  Count-based
   CQF stores received frames into bins based on per-stream-per-output-
   queue byte counter state machines, and is recommended to use only on
   the boundary nodes of the frequency locking domain.  Bin selection
   method can be configured based on an input-output port pair, or be
   configured for specific streams.  It also provided multiple cycle
   model for different services, and the processing of flow aggregation/
   disaggregation based on count-based CQF.

   ECQF is based on the following principles:

   1.  A Bridge output queue using ECQF is notionally divided into bins.
       The bins are enabled for output serially, at a fixed interval
       T_C, which same (or nearly the same) value is used for some
       number of Bridges along the path of a stream, said path
       constituting a ECQF segment of a network.  At any given instant
       in time, a particular output bin can be available for accepting
       frames for later transmission, or enabled for transmitting frames
       to the associated medium, or neither, but never both.

   2.  Each stream utilizing a ECQF segment is allocated a certain
       number of bit times per transmission interval T_C.  Steps are
       taken to ensure that no bin contains frames for any stream that
       will take, in total, longer than that stream’s allocated bit
       times to transmit.  Resource reservation ensures that the total
       bit times allocated over all streams passing through a ECQF queue
       do not exceed T_C, even including possible interference from
       other queues on the port.

   3.  Frames assigned to the same bin at ingress to a ECQF Segment
       remain together in the same bin at each hop along the ECQF
       segment.  Two methods are provided to accomplish this, time-based
       bin assignment and count-based bin assignment.

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2.5.2.  ECQF Analysis

   ECQF does not rely on time synchronization.  Time-based CQF need
   frequency lock and frequency synchronization.  The number of CQF
   cycles in two Bridges that are frequency locked must be the same,
   over an arbitrarily long interval of time.  Count-based CQF can be
   more relaxed.  The cycle phase difference between two nodes is
   allowed.  However, when the sum of clock jitter and phase difference
   exceeds N cycles (N is the number of selected bins), time-based CQF
   will not work.

   In the ideal case, every stream would have a T_C value chosen so that
   exactly one frame of a stream is transmitted on each cycle T_C.
   Multiple values of T_C can be applied to a single output port.
   Streams are allocated to, and thus use up the bandwidth available to,
   each cycle separately.  There are many ways to allocate buffer space
   to individual frames.  Allocating bandwidth to a slower cycle times
   uses more buffer space, because frames dwell for a longer time.  On
   the contrary, allocating bandwidth to a faster cycle time may get the
   optimal bounded latency, which may be somewhat oversubscribed.  If
   the end-to-end latency requirements of the streams permit (but the
   case is not always like this), a stream can be assigned to a slower
   cycle.  This will reduce the overprovision factor.  Overprovision
   reduces the utilization of network resources.

   Different CQF priority levels may operate simultaneously on one
   output port and have different maximum frame sizes, and some may
   enable preemption, different priority levels may have different
   amounts of time during one cycle that cannot be allocated to stream
   transmission.  The burst may be limited at edge.  For a new stream to
   be admitted, it must be true that the available transmission times
   over all of the CQF levels on all of the output ports through which
   the stream travels have not been exhausted.

2.6.  ATS(Asynchronous Traffic Shaping)

2.6.1.  ATS Overview

   In order to solve the problem of zero congestion and packet loss in
   the transmission of aperiodic data, and to further optimize the
   bandwidth utilization of services without strict requirements for
   time synchronization, [IEEE802.1Qcr] defines an asynchronous traffic
   shaping device ATS.

   ATS is designed based on Urgency-Based Scheduler ([UBS]).  First,it
   identify the packets through the stream_handle (a sub-parameter of
   the stream identification function in [IEEE802.1CB]) and priority
   (the priority field in the VLAN tag) and match it into the

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   corresponding stream filter, which specifies the stream gate and
   scheduler for the packets.  The specified stream gate assigns
   internal priority, in this way, different degrees of delay guarantee
   can be provided in different nodes on the transmission path, it make
   the allocation of latency more flexible.  The packets that has been
   assigned an internal priority enter the specified scheduler for
   shaping, which uses the interleaved algorithm based on the token
   bucket, and then assigned a eligible time, which is the expected
   transmission time of the packets.  After the shaper, packets enter
   the corresponding shared queue (per incoming port plus traffic class)
   according to the internal priority and wait to be sent.  The
   transmission selection algorithm is based on strict priority that
   transmits packets from the queues in the order from higher priority
   to lower priority sequentially.  If the eligible time of the first
   packet in the shared queue is less than the current time, then the
   first packet can be sent directly and executes the transmission
   selection algorithm from the higher priority.  Otherwise, turn to the
   next higher priority.

2.6.2.  ATS Analysis

   ATS adopts a principle called Rate-Controlled Service Disciplines
   (RCSD), which is a non work-conserving packet service discipline.  It
   consists of two parts: the rate controller implements the rate
   control policy, and the scheduler implements packet scheduling based
   on some scheduling policy, such as static priority, first come first
   served, or earliest deadline.  By separating the rate controller and
   the scheduler, RCSD effectively decouples the bandwidth of each
   stream from its delay bound, therefore, RCSD can support low latency
   and low bandwidth service.

   The advantage of ATS is that when packets enter the queue, packets
   are assigned an eligible time, it allows urgent flows can be
   transmitted preferentially.  ATS also has the concept of a scheduler
   group, where multiple ATS schedulers can belong to a single ATS
   scheduler group.  The ATS scheduler does not rely on binding to
   hardware queues.  From the delay analysis formula of ATS, it can be
   concluded that the allocation of internal priority and the
   assignation of scheduler directly determine the delay boundary of
   flows.  In the stream gate component of each hop, different internal
   priority can be assigned to packets instead of external priority,
   that can more flexibly allocate the service level.  Therefore, the
   ATS scheduler can perform flexible shaping for per flow or aggregated
   flows.  ATS can be placed on each hop, then the network will not
   generate large burst accumulation, and the performance will be

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   The ATS scheduler state machine operation is based on the ATS
   scheduler clocks, which is an implementation specific local system
   clock function.  There is no need to require nodes in the network to
   achieve time synchronization.

   A large number of flow aggregations will occur in a complex network
   topology, and it is necessary to consider flow aggregation strategies
   at intermediate nodes in the network.  The end-to-end delay upper
   bound provided by ATS is generally inversely proportional to the
   service rate and may be larger.

   Scaling deterministic networks require a large number of services to
   be carried, and the cost of interleaved regulators (IR) maintained in
   per hop is high.  Meanwhile, it is necessary to pay attention to the
   problem of IR head-of-line blocking(HOL) in large-scale networks.

3.  Evaluation of TSN queuing mechanism with the requirements of scaling
    Deterministic networks

   The following requirements are described in

3.1.  Tolerate Time Asynchrony

   - CBS: Does not rely on time synchronization, but still rely on
   frequency synchronization.

   - TAS: Packets must be sent in a specific fixed timeslot.  Non-
   synchronized network nodes can cause packets to not be sent
   completely in the expected transmission gate window and will have to
   wait for a dedicated window in the next period, resulting in a delay.
   This delay can affect end-to-end latency if it accumulates on every
   node in the path.  Therefore, in the calculation of GCL, an accurate
   arrival time of a flow at each node needs to be learned.  The premise
   is that all terminals and network devices need to achieve nanosecond
   clock synchronization across the network (such as
   [IEEE1588],[IEEE802.1AS])to ensure that the GCL time of all outgoing
   ports is synchronized.

   - CQF: Rely on nanosecond clock synchronization across the entire
   network, where all network nodes share the same hardware scheduling
   timeslots as cycles and align their cycle boundaries, cooperating
   with each other.

   - ECQF: Does not rely on time synchronization.  Time-based CQF need
   frequency lock (frequency synchronization too).  Count-based CQF can
   be more relaxed.

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   - ATS: Based on the ATS scheduler clocks, which is an implementation
   specific local system clock function.  No need to require nodes in
   the network to achieve time synchronization, but still need frequency
   synchronization or careful bandwidth management constraints.

3.2.  Support Large Single-hop Propagation Latency

   - CBS: Link delay does not affect the rate based shaping logic of
   CBS.  Traffic is assumed to arrive asynchronously.

   - TAS: In the calculation of GCL, both the propagation delay and
   processing delay in the path has been taken into account.  Even if a
   large single-hop propagation delay exists, a feasible solution can
   still be obtained through proper scheduling.  All nodes in the path
   are independently configured with their own GCL.  Therefore, the
   propagation delay of a single-hop link only impacts on the
   determination of TAS transmission gate window position by precise
   calculation on the outgoing port of the nodes, it is independent of
   the value of the link delay.

   - CQF: The propagation delay must be much smaller than cycle time or
   even considered negligible, so 2-buffer mode can work.  The longer
   the propagation or processing delay results in the larger DT that
   would reduce available time in a cycle.

   - ECQF: The cycle phase difference between two nodes is allowed.
   CPAP detect message covers link propagation delay.

   - ATS: Link delay does not affect asynchronous traffic shaping on per

3.3.  Accommodate the Higher Link Speed

   - CBS: More buffer space is required to server more service bursts

   - TAS: More precise time control (smaller TimeInterval of GCL) is

   - CQF: More buffer space is required for a specific length of cycle
   duration.  Smaller cycle size may be choosed, but with a much smaller
   available zone due to the impact of DT.

   - ECQF: More buffer space is required for a specific length of cycle
   duration.  Smaller cycle size may be choosed, but may need a more
   accuracy time based determination of receiving cycle in the case of
   clock jitter.

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   - ATS: More buffer space is required to server more service bursts

3.4.  Be Scalable to The Large Number of Flows and Tolerate High

   - CBS: Shaping of CBS is based on serveral traffic class for
   aggregated flows.  May need re-shaping (ATS) to avoid burstiness
   cascade for each class.  Set the pre-configuration of bandwidth limit
   for each traffic class.  Best-effort flows can use the unused portion
   of the reserved bandwidth of TSN flows.

   - TAS: GCL calculation for all flows in the control plane is NP-hard
   problem.  On the outgoing port, TAS maintain queues per traffic
   class.  The TimeInterval of GCL, with dedicated bandwidth, reserved
   for a TSN flow is exclusive.  During the specific TimeInterval, if
   that TSN flow does not send packets, the bandwidth is waste, can not
   used by other flows.The guard band may cause no packets on the
   outgoing ports to be sent within the time interval of the guard
   bandwidth even if the packets are ready to be sent in their queues,
   the available bandwidth within these time intervals is wasted.

   - CQF: Transmission gates are associated with each aggregated queue.
   Stream filtering and policing actions per stream should be placed on
   each node.  There is also overprovision issues.  The cycle duration
   includes a time zone called dead time (DT) contributed by Output
   delay, Link delay, Frame preemption delay, Processing delay, which
   can not be used to send packets.  So, CQF can only support fewer

   - ECQF: Transmission gates are associated with each aggregated queue.
   Stream filtering and policing actions per stream should be placed on
   each node.  Count-based CQF needs to maintain states per flow.  Cycle
   size is always far less than burst interval, so overprovision (caused
   by burst/cycle) may cause low utilization.

   - ATS: ATS can perform flexible shaping for per flow or aggregated
   flows by maintaining interleaved regulators (IR) per “inport +
   traffic class”. When there are many ports, the cost is still high
   because it needs to maintain per flow states.  ATS can achieve high
   bandwidth utilization.

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3.5.  Prevent Flow Fluctuation from Disrupting Service

   - CBS: Each service flow of class A/B is permitted based on bandwidth
   reservation.  The total amout of bandwidth reservation does not
   exceed the pre-configuration limit.  However, flow fluctuation is
   more likely to cause burstiness cascade for pure CBS, which makes the
   delay performance deteriorate seriously.

   - TAS: The re-calculation of the GCLs are more complicated.  The
   configuration of each outgoing port along the path is updated
   according to the new GCLs frequently.

   - CQF: Requires corresponding flows setup algorithms to allocate
   resources appropriately among multiple flows to avoid transmission

   - ECQF: Time-based CQF: may ensure CQF flows to be protected.

   Count-based CQF: may discard excess data above the contracted amount.

   - ATS: The cost of interleaved regulators (IR) maintained per hop is
   high.  The problem of IR head-of-line blocking should be considered.

3.6.  Be Scalabcle to a Large Number of Hops with Complex Topology

   - CBS: On each node the queueing delay is over-estiamted, basically
   inversely proportional to the idle slope.  Thus the E2E delay is
   large.  CBS does not limit the best latency, resulting in large
   jitter.  More hops will make burst cascading more severe.

   - TAS: Due to NP-hard problem, the GCL calculations and
   configurations are more complex, and may not meet the needs of large
   scale network.  E2E queueing delay is negligible.  E2E delay jitter
   is ultra-low.

   - CQF: It is more difficult to select the cycle time.  The end-to-end
   latency is proportion to cycle duration and hop count.  Need making
   trade-offs between end-to-end delay and cycle duration

   - ECQF: Need to select the cycle time from multi-CQF instances baesd
   on the trade-offs between end-to-end delay and cycle duration.

   - ATS: Need to consider flow aggregation strategies at intermediate
   nodes.  End-to-end delay upper bound provided by ATS is larger,
   basically inversely proportional to the reserved bandwidth.

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3.7.  Tolerate Failures of Links or Nodes and Topology changes

   Not related to queuing mechanisms directly.

3.8.  Support Multi-Mechanisms in Single Domain and Multi-Domains

   Not related to a single queuing mechanism directly.

4.  Evaluation results

   According to the evaluation in section 3, the evaluation results of
   queuing mechanisms proposed in TSN are shown in the table below:

  |                           |       evaluation results of TSN       |
  | requiremens of scaling    |       queuing mechanisms              |
  | Deterministic Networks    +---------------------------------------+
  |                           |  CBS  |  TAS  |  CQF  | ECQF  |  ATS  |
  | Tolerate Time Asynchrony  |  Yes  |  No   |  No   |  No   |  Yes  |
  | Support Large Single-hop  |  Yes  |  Yes  |  No   |  Yes  |  Yes  |
  | Propagation Latency       |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Accommodate the Higher    |  Yes  |Partial|Partial|Partial|  Yes  |
  | Link Speed                |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Be Scalable to The Large  |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Number of Flows and       |Partial|Partial|  No   |  No   |Partial|
  | Tolerate High Utilization |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Prevent Flow Fluctuation  |Partial|  No   |Partial|Partial|Partial|
  | from Disrupting Service   |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Be Scalabcle to a Large   |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Number of Hops with       |Partial|Partial|  No   |Partial|Partial|
  | Complex Topology          |       |       |       |       |       |
  | Tolerate Failures of      |  Not directly related to              |
  | Links or Nodes and        |  queuing mechanisms                   |
  | Topology changes          |                                       |
  | Support Multi-Mechanisms  |  Not directly related to a            |
  | in Single Domain and      |  single queuing mechanism             |
  | Multi-Domains             |                                       |

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          Figure 1: Evaluation Results of TSN Queuing Mechanisms

5.  Conclusion

   Various applications in deterministic networks have different
   requirements for deterministic service indicator, and different
   queuing mechanisms can provide different levels of delay, jitter, and
   other guarantees.  There may also be situations where network devices
   provide multiple queuing mechanisms simultaneously.  For example,
   network aggregation devices can use the mechanisms specified in
   [IEEE802.1Qbv] and [IEEE802.1Qcr] to forward traffic to different
   paths with different SLA at the same time.  By providing multiple
   queuing mechanisms to meet diversified deterministic service
   requirements, this demand is particularly prominent in large-scale
   networks compared to small-scale environments.

   This document uses the requirements of scaling deterministic networks
   to evaluate several existing queue mechanisms in TSN, analyze their
   characteristics, and provide a basis for selecting suitable queue
   mechanisms for services with different deterministic requirements.
   At the same time, the challenges faced by their deployment in scaling
   networks were also analyzed, and brings some thoughts to the design
   of several new queuing mechanisms proposed for enhanced deterministic

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions

7.  Security Considerations


8.  Acknowledgements


9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [IEEE1588] "IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization
              Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems",
              2008, <>.

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Internet-Draft   Analysis and Evaluation for TSN Queuing   December 2023

              "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--
              Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive
              Applications", 2020,

              "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --
              Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks - Amendment 12:
              Forwarding and Queuing Enhancements for Time-Sensitive
              Streams", 2010,

              "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --
              Bridges and Bridged Networks -- Amendment 26:Frame
              Preemption", 2016,

              "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --
              Bridges and Bridged Networks - Amendment 25:Enhancements
              for Scheduled Traffic", 2016,

              "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks --
              Bridges and Bridged Networks - Amendment 29: Cyclic
              Queuing and Forwarding", 2017,

              "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--
              Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 34:Asynchronous
              Traffic Shaping", 2020,

              "Draft Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--
              Enhancements to Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding", 2023,

              "IEEE Standard for Ethernet-Amendment 5:Specification and
              Management Parameters for Interspersing Express Traffic.",
              2016, <>.

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Internet-Draft   Analysis and Evaluation for TSN Queuing   December 2023

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

9.2.  Informative References

              "AVB Latency Math", 2010,

              "Class A Bridge Latency Calculations", 2010,

              Liu, P., Li, Y., Eckert, T. T., Xiong, Q., Ryoo, J.,
              zhushiyin, and X. Geng, "Requirements for Scaling
              Deterministic Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-detnet-scaling-requirements-05, 20 November
              2023, <

              "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--
              Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability", 2017,

   [RFC9320]  Finn, N., Le Boudec, J.-Y., Mohammadpour, E., Zhang, J.,
              and B. Varga, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Bounded
              Latency", RFC 9320, DOI 10.17487/RFC9320, November 2022,

   [UBS]      "Urgency-Based Scheduler for Time-Sensitive Switched
              Ethernet Networks", 2016,

Authors' Addresses

   Jinjie Yan
   ZTE Corporation

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Internet-Draft   Analysis and Evaluation for TSN Queuing   December 2023

   Yufang Han
   ZTE Corporation

   Shaofu Peng
   ZTE Corporation

   Yuehong Gao
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

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