E. Rescorla, A. Schiffman INTERNET-DRAFT Terisa Systems, Inc. production. 2.1. CERTS Element A new CERTS HTML element is defined, which carries a (not necessarily related) group of certificates provided as advisory data. The element contents are not intended to be displayed to the user. Certificate groups may be provided appropriate for either PEM or PKCS-7 implemen- tations. Such certificates are supplied in the HTML document for the convenience of the recipient, who might otherwise be unable to retrieve the certificate (chain) corresponding to a DN specified in an anchor. The format should be the same as that of the 'Certificate-Info' header line, of [SHTTP] except that the specifier should be provided as the FMT attribute in the tag. Multiple CERTS elements are permitted; it is suggested that CERTS elements themselves be included in the HTML document's HEAD element (in the hope that the data will not be displayed by S-HTTP oblivious but HTML compliant browsers.) 2.2. CRYPTOPTS Element Cryptopts may also be broken out into an element and referred to in anchors by name. The NAME attribute specifies the name by which this element may be referred to in a CRYPTOPTS attribute in an anchor. Names must have a # as the leading character. 2.3. HTML Example An example of cryptographic data embedded in an anchor, proceeded by a certificate group is provided below. Note the SGML quoting syntax used to supply embedded quotation marks. Rescorla, Schiffman [Page 2] Internet-Draft HTML Security Extensions MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEAAKCAM IIBrTCCAUkCAgC2MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAME0xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMSAwH gYDVQQKExdSU0EgRGF0YSBTZWN1cml0eSwgSW5jLjEcMBoGA1UECxMTUGVyc 29uYSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAeFw05NDA0MDkwMDUwMzdaFw05NDA4MDIxODM4N TdaMGcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMSAwHgYDVQQKExdSU0EgRGF0YSBTZWN1cml0e SwgSW5jLjEcMBoGA1UECxMTUGVyc29uYSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTEYMBYGA1UEA xMPU2V0ZWMgQXN0cm9ub215MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAMy8Q cW7RMrB4sTdQ8Nmb2DFmJmkWn+el+NdeamIDElX/qw9mIQu4xNj1FfepfJNx zPvA0OtMKhy6+bkrlyMEU8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAANPAAYn7jDgi rhiIL4wnP8nGzUisGSpsFsF4/7z2P2wqne6Qk8Cg/Dstu3RyaN78vAMGP8d8 2H5+Ndfhi2mRp4YHiGHz0HlK6VbPfnyvS2wdjCCAccwggFRAgUCQAAAFDANB gkqhkiG9w0BAQIFADBfMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEgMB4GA1UEChMXUlNBIERhd GEgU2VjdXJpdHksIEluYy4xLjAsBgNVBAsTJUxvdyBBc3N1cmFuY2UgQ2Vyd GlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwHhcNOTQwMTA3MDAwMDAwWhcNOTYwMTA3M jM1OTU5WjBNMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEgMB4GA1UEChMXUlNBIERhdGEgU2Vjd XJpdHksIEluYy4xHDAaBgNVBAsTE1BlcnNvbmEgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUwaTANB gkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANYADBVAk4GqghQDa9Xi/2zAdYEqJVIcYhlLN1FpI9tX Q1m6zZ39PYXK8Uhoj0Es7kWRv8hC04vqkOKwndWbzVtvoHQOmP8nOkkuBi+A QvgFoRcgOUCAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAANhAD/5Uo7xDdp49oZm9GoNc PhZcW1e+nojLvHXWAU/CBkwfcR+FSf4hQ5eFu1AjYv6Wqf430Xe9Et5+jgnM Tiq4LnwgTdA8xQX4elJz9QzQobkE3XVOjVAtCFcmiin80RB8AAAMYAAAAAAA AAAAA== Don't read this. Rescorla, Schiffman [Page 3] Internet-Draft HTML Security Extensions References [SHTTP] Rescorla, E., Schiffman, A.M., "The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol", draft-ietf-wts-shttp-04.txt, March 1997. Security Considerations This entire document is about security. Authors' Address Eric Rescorla Terisa Systems, Inc. 4984 El Camino Real Los Altos, CA 94022 Phone: (415) 919-1753 Allan M. Schiffman Terisa Systems, Inc. 4984 El Camino Real Los Altos, CA 94022 Phone: (415) 919-1755