Internet DRAFT - draft-ietf-ippm-reporting-mib


Network Working Group                                         E. Stephan
Internet-Draft                                                 J. Jewitt
Expires: January 14, 2005                             France Telecom R&D
                                                           July 16, 2004

     IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) reporting Information Base (MIB)

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 14, 2005.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   designed for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based
   internets.  In particular, this MIB specifies the objects used for
   managing the results of the IPPM metrics measures, for pushing
   alarms, and for reporting the measures results.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  The IPPM Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   3.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework . . . . . . . . . .  4
   4.  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     4.1   Textual Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       4.1.1   OwnerString  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       4.1.2   IppmOwnerIndex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       4.1.3   TimeUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       4.1.4   PacketType and PacketTypeAddres  . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       4.1.5   GMTTimeStamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       4.1.6   IppmStandardMetrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       4.1.7   Report definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     4.2   Structure of the MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       4.2.1   The ippmSystem Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       4.2.2   The ippmHistory Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       4.2.3   The ippmNetMeasure Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       4.2.4   The ippmAggrMeasure Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       4.2.5   The Notification Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     4.3   Row identification in an application namespace . . . . . . 11
     4.4   Relationship of IPPM REPORTING MIB tables  . . . . . . . . 11
       4.4.1   Relationship between the Owners Table and the
               aggregated measure table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       4.4.2   Relationship between the Network Measure Table and
               the Aggregated Measure Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   5.  Measurement architectures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     5.1   Proxy architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     5.2   Reporting architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     5.3   Gateway architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     5.4   Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   6.  Reporting mode integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     6.1   Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     6.2   Setup of the network measure table . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     6.3   Setup of the aggregated measure table  . . . . . . . . . . 17
     6.4   Updating the history of the MIB  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     6.5   Default value  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   7.  Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
     8.1   VACM Access control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
       8.1.1   Example of implementing VACM control for the
               IPPM-REPORTING-MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
     8.2   Privacy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
     8.3   Measurement aspects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
     8.4   Management aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
   9.  Document management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
     9.1   Open issues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
     9.2   Changes done since release 05  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

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     9.3   Changes done since release 04  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
     9.4   Changes done since release 03  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
     9.5   Changes done since release 02  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
   10.   Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
   11.   References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
   11.1  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
   11.2  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
       Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
       Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . 79

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1.  Introduction

   This memo defines a MIB for managing network measurements based upon
   the IP performance metrics specified by the IPPM Working Group.

   The definition of objects in the IPPM MIB are built on notions
   introduced and discussed in the IPPM Framework document, RFC 2330

   This memo defines a Management Information Base (MIB), and as such it
   is intended to be respectful of the "Boilerplate for IETF MIBs"
   defined in

   There are companion documents to the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB both in the
   Transport Area (See section 2), and in the Operations and Management
   Area (See section 3).  The reader should be familiar with these

2.  The IPPM Framework

   The IPPM Framework consists of 3 major components:

   o  A general framework for defining performance metrics, as described
      in the Framework for IP Performance Metrics, RFC 2330 [RFC2330];

   o  A set of standardized metrics which conform to this framework:

      *  IPPM Metrics for Measuring Connectivity, RFC 2678 [RFC2678];

      *  One-way Delay Metrics, RFC 2679  [RFC2679];

      *  One-way Packet Loss Metrics, RFC 2680 [RFC2680];

      *  Round-trip Delay Metrics, RFC 2681 [RFC2681];

      *  One-way Loss Pattern Sample Metrics, RFC 3357 [RFC3357];

      *  IP Packet Delay Variation Metric, RFC 3393 [RFC3393];

      *  IPPM Metrics for periodic streams, RFC 3432 [RFC3432];

   o  Emerging metrics that are being specified in respect of this

3.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current

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   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410];.

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578];, STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579]; and STD 58, RFC 2580

4.  Overview

   Although the number of measurement devices that implement IPPM
   metrics is growing, there is not currently any standardized
   management interface to manage remotely the measurement of these
   metrics.  This memo defines a Management Information Base for
   managing the measurement of IPPM metrics.

   To permit metrics to be referenced by other MIBs and other protocols,
   the IPPM WG has defined a registry of the current metrics and a
   framework for the integration of future metrics in the [IPPM metrics

   As the specification of new metrics is a continuous process, this
   memo defines a framework for the integration of the future
   standardized metrics.

   The IPPM-REPORTING-MIB introduces a framework where each application
   identifies its measures in an owner namespace.  The administrator may
   grant access to a measure, or set of measures to another owner via
   view based access control.  As a result, one owner may compute
   aggregated metrics on another owner's network measures.

   Different architectures may be used to perform metric measurements,
   using a control protocol and a test protocol.  Different control
   frameworks are suitable for performing measurements.  The memo lists
   them, while also looking for a way to integrate them with the
   IPPM-REPORTING-MIB.  This section is for informational purposes only,
   and is intended to help specify the relationship among the test
   protocol, the control protocol and the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB.

   Special care has been taken to provide a reporting mode suitable for
   control protocols and test protocols.  It addresses the need to
   provide access to results for the applications.

   This MIB is intended to handle multiple concurrent sessions by SNMP

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   applications.  However, the SNMP requests are not necessarily to be
   handled explicitly by the measurement devices, but can be sent to
   middleware performing an aggregation function.  This allows for
   continuous collection of measurements and statistics computation.

4.1  Textual Conventions

   Eight types of data are introduced as textual conventions in this
   document: IppmOwnerString, IppmOwnerIndex, TimeUnit, PacketType,
   PacketTypeAddress, GMTTimeStamp, IppmStandardMetrics and

4.1.1  OwnerString

   This octet string is used to represent the owners of the various
   measures and reports in the measurement system.

4.1.2  IppmOwnerIndex

   This integer identifies an instance of an object in an owner

4.1.3  TimeUnit

   This textual convention is used to indicate a unit of time, ranging
   from nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second, hour, day, and

4.1.4  PacketType and PacketTypeAddres

   Section 13 of the IPPM framework [2] introduces the generic notion of
   a "packet of type P", because in some contexts the metric's value
   depends on the type of the packets involved in the metric.  In the
   definition of a metric, the type P will be explicitly defined,
   partially defined, or left generic.  Measurement of metrics defined
   with generic type P are made specific when performing actual
   measurements.  It is important that one be conscious of the exact
   type of traffic being measured.

   The standardization of the management of IPPM measures relies on the
   capability to unambiguously configure the type P of the packets, and
   the parameters of the protocol suites of the type P.

   RMON2 introduced the concept of protocol identifiers.  RFC2895 [xxv]
   specifies a macro for the definition of protocol identifier.  The
   RFC2896 [xxvi] defines the protocol identifiers for different
   protocol encapsulation trees.

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   The type P implementation relies on the MACRO PROTOCOL-IDENTIFIER
   defined for identifying protocol suites in RMON2.  It is achieved by
   defining the PacketType and the PacketTypeAddress as new syntax in
   SMIv2 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION.  Internet addresses

   The section 14 of the IPPM framework defines (for the usual case of a
   unidirectional path through the Internet) the term "Src" and "Dst".
   "Src" denotes the IP address of the beginning of the path, and "Dst"
   denotes the IP address of the end.

   The section 3 of the RMON PI Reference specifies the Protocol
   Identifier Encoding rules, which consists briefly in a recursive
   length value format.  "Src" and "Dst" are protocol identifier
   parameters.  Their values are encoded in separated fields using the
   encoding rules of the protocol identifier, but without trailing

   The packet encapsulation defined in an instance of PacketType embeds
   the format of "Src" and "Dst" and their values.  The type and value
   of these addresses depend on the type P of the packet, IP version 4,
   IPV6, IP in IP...  Both participate in the completion of the packet


   RFC2896 defines the protocol identifiers ip and ipip4.  Should there
   be an Internet tunnel end-point of the IP address in the
   tunnel  the PacketType of the source address of the
   tunnel, Src, is 'ip.ipip4'.  The encoding of 'ip.ipip4' using the
   RFC2895 rules adds a trailer 2.0.0.  It means that an instance of
   this protocol identifier has 2 parameters, which values will be set
   only when implemented.  In the IPPM PacketType context these 2
   parameters are provided in Src (or Dst).  In the current example the
   value of Src is "".

4.1.5  GMTTimeStamp

   This textual convention defines the time at which an event occurred.
   It is very similar to the NTP timestamp format except that it
   represents the time elapsed since January 1st, 2000 instead of
   January 1st, 1900.

4.1.6  IppmStandardMetrics

   Each standard metric is identified in the IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY under
   the node rfc in chronological order.  This textual convention defines

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   an octet string to permit several metrics to be performed in a single

4.1.7  Report definition

   A report consists of sending, or logging, a subset of results of
   measurements that have been taken over a period of time.  The report
   defines actions that are taken on the measurement results.  An action
   is performed either:

      For each result;

      On the results corresponding to a measurement cycle;

      On the results available at the measurement completion.

   To preserve the scalability of the whole measurement system, it

      The amount of data sent to the applications;

      The bandwidth consumption for uploading the result;

      The number of alarms sent to the applications;

      The amount of data saved in the point of measure.

   Metric thresholds (low, high, inband, outband...) may be defined that
   indicate when measure values should be reported.  These values and
   their associated time may directly impact service availability.

   One may also want to report when particular values (i.e.  constantly
   over a threshold) repeatedly occur over a period of time.  For
   example, if one-way-day is constantly over a specified acceptable
   threshold value for 10 minutes, then the values should be reported.

   The combination of IPPM metric results, threshold events, and event
   filtering provides a very efficient mechanism to report measurement
   results, events, and alarms.

   A report is described using the TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
   IppmMetricResultFilter.  The report setup must not dramatically
   increase the amount of data needed by the control protocol to setup a

      A basic report is defined in the object ippmAggrMeasureFilter;

      More elaborate reports are described using a metric threshold to

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      generate alarms and events;

      The generation of alarms and reports requires a management station
      address to which the data will be sent;

      SLA alarms are described using an events duration threshold.

   The TEXTUAL-CONVENTION IppmMetricResultFilter specifies the list of
   events and actions that are used to create a report.

4.2  Structure of the MIB

   The MIB is arranged as follow:

      ippmSystem Group:




      ippmOwners Group:


      ippmHistory Group:


      ippmNetMeasure Group:


      ippmAggrMeasure Group:



4.2.1  The ippmSystem Group

   The implementation of this group is mandatory.

   This group consists of a set of parameters describing the clock
   synchronization at a particular point of measure over time, as well
   as the system clock of the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB agent.

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   The table ippmPointOfMeasureTable describes the points of measure.

   The table ippmSynchronisationTable is critical to the implementation,
   especially to be respectful of the Section 6.3.  of the IPPM
   Framework, which states that "Those who develop such measurement
   methodologies should strive to:

      Minimize their uncertainties/errors,

      Understand and document the sources of uncertainty/error, and

      Quantify the amounts of uncertainty/error."

   Consequently the table ippmSynchronisationTable makes these values
   available to compute reliable statistics.

   The table ippmMetricsTable list all the IPPM metrics using the
   registry order and describes their implementation (unit...).  The ippmOwners Group

   This group identifies an owner, or group of owners, that have access
   to measurements on a probe.

4.2.2  The ippmHistory Group

   The results of any given measure are stored in the ippmHistoryTable.
   The indexing is such that there is an entry in this table for each
   result of a given measure for a given metric.

4.2.3  The ippmNetMeasure Group

   The control protocol registers a description of the existing network
   measures in the ippmNetMeasureTable.

   This group displays the network measures defined by the control
   protocol.  The results are saved in the ippmHistoryTable.

   ippmNetMeasureTable is a reflection of the configuration of the
   network measure.

4.2.4  The ippmAggrMeasure Group

   ippmAggrMeasureTable is responsible for the aggregation of results.
   The aggregated results are saved in the ippmHistoryTable and may be
   used for higher aggregated measures.

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4.2.5  The Notification Group

   The Notification group specifies a list of valid notifications.  They
   are used to generate alarms, or reports, to management applications.

4.3  Row identification in an application namespace

   IPPM metrics measurement is a distributed task.  An owner namespace
   is defined to avoid the need of polling to determine the next free
   index, to avoid index collision when 2 applications are looking for a
   new index as the same time; to increase the speed of the management
   operations; to reduce bandwidth consumption and to reduce CPU load in
   the agents and applications.

   In a MIB, an object instance identifier is defined by the clause
   INDEX of the table as a list of objects.

   The owner namespace is defined in the INDEX as a couple of 2 objects
   where the type of first one is IppmOwnerString and the type of the
   second is IppmOwnerIndex.

   The first term of the instance identifier is the name of the owner.
   The second term is an private index managed by the owner.  This index
   value is unique in an owner namespace.  Before the creation of an
   instance the creator pick up an IppmOwnerIndex value not in use.

   This allows the user to choose arbitrary values for the remaining
   fields of the INDEX clause without checking that the values of these
   fields exists in the MIB tables.  Moreover this allows the owner to
   use the same instance identifier over a set of IPPM MIB

   Measurements are requested by management applications.  An instance
   of an object managed by a management station is identified by the
   management station IppmOwnerString and the private index provided by
   the MS.

4.4  Relationship of IPPM REPORTING MIB tables

   There is inherently a relationship between various tables in the IPPM
   REPORTING MIB, and as such, the data integrity must be assured.  This
   relationship is depicted in the following examples.

4.4.1  Relationship between the Owners Table and the aggregated measure

   The owners table contains the list of "owners" that can create and
   activate remotely aggregated measures in an IPPM agent, or read the

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   existing network measures.

   It is recommended to make use of "view based access control" in order
   to restrict access to this table.  For example, the master user
   "administrator" may be given "write" privileges on the
   ippmOwnersTable, whereas all others are restricted to "read" access.
   The user "administrator" can then setup the list of other users that
   have access to measures.

   There must be at least 1 owner in the owners' table.  This owner may
   be either setup by default by the IPPM agent, or configured as stated

   An owner may have multiple corresponding entries in the network and
   aggregated measure tables.  Each entry in a measure table is
   associated with one, and only one, entry in the owners' table.  That
   is to say, that a defined measure may NOT have multiple owners.

   Thus, we have a 1:N relationship between the owners' table and a
   measure table.

4.4.2  Relationship between the Network Measure Table and the Aggregated
      Measure Table

   The network measure table is read-only, thus entries in this table
   must be populated by the agent upon startup.

   The agent could potentially read a database that contains network
   measures configured by a 3rd party proprietary management system that
   directly interacts with the points of measure.  However, the "owner"
   of the measure must be defined in the owners table.  It may be either
   configured directly, or exported to the agent by the external
   measurement tool.

   The aggregated measure table allows for an "owner" to create
   aggregated measures (such as average, minimum, maximum...) on
   existing measures.  An owner may even create aggregated measures on
   network measures that are owned by other owners.  However, it is
   recommended to use view based access control to grant access of
   network measures to other owners in the system.

5.  Measurement architectures

   There are three main measurement architectures.

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5.1  Proxy architecture

            +----+                       +----+
            |NMS1|                       |NMS2|
            +----+                       +----+
              ^                           ^
              |                           |
              +----------+     +----------+
                         |     |
                     SNMP or Sibling
                         |     |
                         v     v
                | IPPM-REPORTING-MIB agent |
                         ^     ^
                         |     |
                         |     |
              +----------+     +----------+
              |                           |
              v                           v
   +----------------+              +------------------+
   | Packets-Sender |--OWDP-Test-->| Packets-Receiver |
   +----------------+              +------------------+

   In this architecture, the different NMS's query the
   IPPM-REPORTING-MIB agent for measurements.  The agent controls
   whether the NMS is granted access to perform the measure requested.
   Each NMS may access the results of its measurements in the
   IPPM-REPORTING-MIB history table.

   The measurement setup/teardown and the data collection are done using
   the control protocol and the test protocol.

   In this mode the NMS does not depend on the control protocol nor on
   the test protocol.  The entities involved in the measurement do not
   need to implement the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB nor SNMP.  This mode allows
   for lightweight implementation in the point of measure, and also for
   heterogeneous control protocols to coexist.

   Finally, the proxy is a checkpoint where measurement activity may be
   logged, and where access to measurement setups may be tightly
   controlled.  Thus, it provides a reliable architecture to manage the
   security of a measurement system.

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5.2  Reporting architecture

   In this architecture the SNMP protocol is only used to read the
   results of the measurements in the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB History Table,
   and also to inform the NMS that an event has occurred.

          +----+                               +----+
          |NMS1|                               |NMS2|
          +----+                               +----+
           ^  ^                                 ^  ^
           |  |                                 |  |
          SNMP|                                SNMP|
           |  |                                 |  |
           |  |                                 |  |
           | OWDP                               | OWDP
           |Control                             |Control
           |  |                                 |  |
           |  |     +------------------------------+
           |  |     |                           |  |
           |  |  +--|---------------------------+  |
           |  |  |  |                           |  |
           |  +--|--|------------------------+  |  |
           |  |  |  |                        |  |  |
           +--------+---------------------+  |  |
           |  |  |  |                     |  |  |  |
           |  |  |  |                     |  |  |  |
           v  v  v  v                     v  v  v  v
    +------------------+              +------------------+
    |   agent          |              |     agent        |
    +------------------+              +------------------+
    |  Packets-Sender  |--OWDP-Test-->| Packets-Receiver |
    +------------------+              +------------------+

   The activation of a measure by the control protocol or the test
   protocol creates a measure in the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB Network Measure
   table.  The table in question may be not accessible by SNMP.  In this
   case, a list of the measure identifiers (owner, index) is handled by
   the measurement software.

   Each timestamped result of the measure is logged in the
   IPPM-REPORTING-MIB History table in order to allow read access to the
   NMS's and event handling.

   On completion, the measurement results are managed according to the
   measure setup:

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      The results may be sent to an NMS;

      They may be dropped from the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB History table.

   In this mode, it is recommended to use an SNMPv2 Inform PDU to send
   reporting events because it ensures that the entire block of the
   result is received.  There is no control using SNMP Trap PDU.

5.3  Gateway architecture

   The gateway architecture combines the proxy mode and the reporting

         +-------+                                +------+
         | NMS1  |                                | NMS2 |
         +-------+                                +------+
           ^                                           ^
           |                                           |
         SNMP                                         SNMP
           |                                           |
           |  +----------------------------------------+
           |  |                                        |
           +-------------+          +------------------+
           |  |          |          |                  |
           +----------------------------------------+  |
           |  |          |          |               |  |
           |  |          v          v               |  |
           |  |     +------------------------+      |  |
           |  |     |  IPPM-REPORTING-MIB    |      |  |
           |  |     |       Gateway          |      |  |
           |  |     +------------------------+      |  |
           |  |     |    control server      |      |  |
           |  |     +------------------------+      |  |
           |  |          ^          ^               |  |
           |  |          |          |               |  |
           |  |      OWDP-Control protocol          |  |
           |  |          |          |               |  |
           |  |    +-----+          +-------+       |  |
           |  |    |                        |       |  |
           v  v    v                        v       v  v
    +-------------+---------+            +--------+-------------+
    |    IPPM-    | Packets |            |Packets |   IPPM      |
    |REPORTING-MIB| Sender  |            |Receiver|REPORTING-MIB|
    |  agent      |         |-OWDP-Test->|        |   agent     |
    +-------------+---------+            +--------+-------------+

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   The NMS measurement queries are registered in the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB
   gateway and performed by the control and the test protocol.  The NMS
   directly consults the result in the corresponding IPPM REPORTING MIB
   agent of the points of measure.

5.4  Security

   The proxy mode provides flexibility and control of the access to the
   points of measure, while allowing lightweight control protocol and
   test protocol implementations in the points of measure.  Different
   security rules may be applied to the NMS domain and to measurement
   system domains.

   The reporting mode has 2 security domains:

      The control of the measurement setup relies on the control and the
      test protocol security mechanisms;

      The control of access to the results depends on the SNMP security
      mechanisms such as community strings, but may also be restricted
      using VACM for customized access.

   The gateway mode security relies on the security of the proxy mode
   and of the reporting mode.

6.  Reporting mode integration

   The IPPM-REPORTING-MIB standardizes the parameters that:

      Define the configuration of the IPPM metric measures;

      Define the format of the results of the measure;

      Define the report of the IPPM metric measure results.

   It introduces the concept of owner namespace to allow for fast
   configuration and reporting across multiple points of measurement.

   A measure is a distributed object describing a task to be performed
   by the control and the test protocols.  A measure is identified by
   its owner and its owner index.  This identifier is the same in all
   the points of measure.  As the owner chooses the index, there is no
   need for negotiation between the NMS and the points of measure before
   activating the measure.

   A measure is primarily defined by its identifier, the metrics to
   measure, the description of the end point addresses and the
   description of the scheduling of the measure.

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   The description of the measure is distributed to the points of
   measure involved.  The distribution may not be synchronized.

6.1  Integration

   The integration of the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB, and the test and control
   protocols consists in pushing the network measure setup/teardown
   parameters and the result values from the measurement software to the

6.2  Setup of the network measure table

   The measurement system updates the MIB on creation of a network

6.3  Setup of the aggregated measure table

   There are 2 ways to setup an aggregated measure: The measurement
   system updates the MIB on creation of an aggregated measure; An SNMP
   application creates an aggregated measure.

6.4  Updating the history of the MIB

   Results have to be written by the measurement task in the agent
   implementing the IPPM REPORTING MIB.

   Adding the results of a measurement consists in the transfer of the
   result from the measurement software to the SNMP agent.  The protocol
   that provides the result may be the control protocol, or the test
   protocol, or another mechanism.

6.5  Default value

   The default values correspond to IP version 4.

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7.  Definition


      Integer32, zeroDotZero, Counter64, Unsigned32
          FROM SNMPv2-SMI
          FROM SNMPv2-TC
          FROM SNMPv2-CONF;

      LAST-UPDATED "200407151200Z" --  15 July 2004
      ORGANIZATION "IP Performance Metrics (ippm) Working Group"
        "Emile Stephan
        France Telecom - R&D

        Jessie Jewitt
        France Telecom - R&D
        E-mail :

        Comments about this document should be send to the IPPM
        working group mailing list at
          "This memo defines a portion of the Management Information

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          Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in
          TCP/IP-based internets. In particular, it specifies the
          objects used for managing the results of the IPPM metrics
          measurements, alarms and reporting of measurement results."

      REVISION "200210181200Z" -- 18 October 2002
          "General cleanup
          Change 5 tables to read write"

      REVISION "200302141200Z" --  14 February 2003
          "Modifications based upon feedback from IETF-55"

      REVISION "200306291200Z" --  29 June 2003
          "Adaptation to VACM, preparation of the final version"

      REVISION "200310241200Z" --  24 October 2003
          "Modifications based upon feedback from experimental

      REVISION "200402121200Z" --  12 February 2004
          "Modifications based upon feedback 58th IETF: The report
          group and the corresponding notification are removed."

      REVISION "200407151200Z" --  15 July 2004
          "Rewritten in XML and Clean up."

      ::= { mib-2 XXX }
      -- RFC Ed.: replace XXX with IANA-assigned number
      --          & remove this note

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   IppmOwnerString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      STATUS       current
          "The owner namespace is defined in the INDEX of a table as a
          couple of 2 objects where the type of the first one is
          IppmOwnerString and the type of the second is IppmOwnerIndex.
          IppmOwnerString is an OwnerString which length is limited to
          32 bytes."

   IppmOwnerIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      STATUS       current
          "The owner namespace is defined in the INDEX of a table as a
          couple of 2 objects where the type of first one is
          IppmOwnerString and the type of the second is IppmOwnerIndex.
          An object of type IppmOwnerIndex uniquely identifies a row of
          a table inside an owner namespace.
          Inside one namespace several objects of type IppmOwnerIndex
          coexist and share the IppmOwnerIndex range of values to
          provide an unique instance identifier.
          SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1.. 65535)

      STATUS       current
          "A enumerated list of time units."
      SYNTAX       INTEGER {

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   IppmStandardMetrics ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      STATUS      current
       " Each standard metric is identified in the IPPM-METRICS-
       REGISTRY under the node rfc in chronological order. In order to
       allow for several metrics to be calculated in a single measure,
       there is a need to describe in a bit string the metrics to be

       This textual convention defines an octet string that gathers in a
       bit string a sequence of bits. The bit order corresponds to the
       order of the metric identifiers in the registry.
       The first bit of the string has the index 0. The index 1
       corresponds to the first metric of the registry
       (instantaneousUnidirectionalConnectivity ).

       One-way-Delay(6) is identified as the leaf number 6 of the node
       rfc of the registry. One-way-Packet-Loss(12) is identified as the
       leaf number 12 of the node
       rfc of the registry. A network measure performing both One-way-
       Delay(6) and One-way-Packet-Loss(12) will be described as
       '0001000001000000'b, '1040'B.

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   IppmMetricsRegistryIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      STATUS      current
       "IppmMetricsRegistryIndex defines an unambiguous index for each
       standardized metric. It identifies a metric, and as such its
       value is the value of the node of the metric in the IPPM
       registry. This value is the same in any implementation of the

       In the IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY, onewayPacketLossAverage is
       registered as the node 14 of ippmMetricsRegistry.metrics.rfc.
       Consequently the index of the metric onewayPacketLossAverage in
       the IppmMetricsTable will always be '14'. At large an instance,
       which type is IppmMetricsRegistryIndex and which value is '14',
       points to the metric onewayPacketLossAverage."
      SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1.. 65535)

      STATUS       current
          "The time value at which a measure or an event took place.

          field  octets  contents                  range
          -----  ------  --------                  -----
          1       1-4    second since 1 Jan 1900 0H00*    0..2^31 - 1
          2       5-8    fractional part of the second*   0..2^32 - 1
          * the value is in network-byte order

          The timestamp format is the NTP timestamp format [RFC 1305].
          The reference of time is GMT.

      SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))

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     STATUS       current
       "This textual convention is a display string used to describe the
       protocol encapsulation list of a packet, and is used as the value
       of the SYNTAX clause for the type of the Src and Dst of an IPPM
       measure. The RFC2895 specifies a macro named PROTOCOL-IDENTIFIER
       for the definition of protocol identifiers, while its companion
       document, the RFC2896 defines a set of protocol identifiers.

       PacketType is defined as a display string. It consists of a list
       of dot separated protocol names. Each protocol name has been
       previously defined using the macro PROTOCOL-IDENTIFIER of the RFC

       The RFC2896 defines the protocol identifiers 'ether2', 'ip',
       'ipip4', 'udp', 'tcp', 'telnet'...

       The PacketType of the source address corresponding to telnet is
       the string 'ip.tcp.telnet'.

       The PacketType of the source address corresponding to UDP packets
       sent in an IP tunnel is the string 'ip.ipip4.udp'.

       An IPPM measure is active, so generally a PacketType value does
       not describe the link layer (i.e. ether2...). Valid Internet
       packets are sent from Src to Dst. Then the choice of the link
       layer relies on the Internet stack."
     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512))

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   PacketTypeAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
     STATUS       current
       "This textual convention is a Display string used to describe the
       parameters of the protocol encapsulation list of a packet,
       basically the address.

       PacketTypeAddress is defined as a display string. It consists in
       a list of blank separated addresses that reflect the
       encapsulation of the PacketType. Each parameter in the list
       corresponds to a parameter of a PROTOCOL-IDENTIFIER of the
       The PacketType 'ip.ipip4' has 2 parameters. A valid
       PacketTypeAddress value is ''."
     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512))

     IppmMetricResultFilter ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     STATUS        current
     "Given that not all results from a metric measurement are
        pertinent, and that the size of the history must be limited whenever
        possible, the TC IppmMetricResultFilter defines basic filters to
        limit the among of data collected:

        Filter's parameters are the 2 fields ippmAggrMeasureLowThreshold and
        ippmAggrMeasureLowThreshold of the aggregated measure setup.

        A filter determines if the result of the current aggregation has to
        be stored:

        The value is stored if it is lower than the high threshold of
        the aggregated measure setup and greater than the low
        threshold of of the aggregated measure setup.

        The value is stored if it is greater than the high threshold
        of the aggregated measure setup or lower than the low
        threshold of the aggregated measure setup.

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        The value is stored if it is greater than the high threshold
        of the aggregated measure setup.

        The value is stored if it is lower than the low metric
        threshold field of the aggregated measure setup.

        This filter stores contiguous results that are on opposite
        sides of the up and down metric thresholds:
             A result is stored if it is the first result aggregated:
        If it is greater than the high threshold and lower than the
        low threshold then its value is set to the value of the low

             A result greater than the high threshold is stored if the
        previous result is lower than the low threshold;

             A result lower than the low threshold is stored if the
        previous result is greater than the high threshold;


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      SYNTAX       INTEGER {

   -- IPPM  Notifications
   ippmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ippm 0 }

   -- IPPM MIB Object definitions
   ippmMibObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippm 1 }

   ippmSystem           OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippmMibObjects 1 }
   ippmOwners           OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippmMibObjects 2 }
   ippmHistory          OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippmMibObjects 3 }
   ippmNetMeasure       OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippmMibObjects 4 }
   ippmAggrMeasure      OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippmMibObjects 5 }

   -- IPPM  Conformance
   ippmConformance      OBJECT IDENTIFIER   ::= { ippm 2 }

   -- ippmSystem  Group

   ippmSystemTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp

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      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The current time of the system running the IPPM REPORTING MIB
          SNMP agent. When the agent is running in proxy mode, it is the
          current time of the proxy agent.
          When the agent is located in the probe, it is the current time
           of the probe agent. "
      ::= { ippmSystem  1 }

   ippmSystemSynchronizationType OBJECT-TYPE

      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "ippmSystemSynchronizationType describes the mechanism
          used to synchronize the system running the IPPM REPORTING MIB
          SNMP agent.

          The synchronization process must be defined
          in the ippmSystemSynchonizationDescription.

          The system is synchronized using the network
          time protocol. The NTP synchronization must be described
          in the ippmSystemSynchonizationDescription.

          The system is synchronized using the GPS clocks.

          The system is synchronized using the CDMA clocks."
      ::= { ippmSystem 2 }

   ippmSystemSynchronizationDesc OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The description of the synchronization process of the system

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          running the IPPM REPORTING MIB SNMP agent."
      ::= { ippmSystem 3 }

   ippmSystemClockResolution OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      UNITS "Nanoseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
        "ippmSystemClockResolution provides the precision of the clock
        used for the measures . The unit is the nanosecond. For example,
        the clock on an old Unix host might advance only once every 10
        msec, and thus have a resolution of 10 msec. So its resolution
        is 10000000 nanoseconds and the value of
        ippmSystemClockResolution is 10000000."
      ::= { ippmSystem 4 }

   ippmSystemOperationalStatus OBJECT-TYPE

      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
        "This object describes the status of the system running the IPPM
        REPORTING MIB SNMP agent. It does not describe end point
        measurement status:

          unknown(0) means the service is unknown.
          up(1) means the service is operational and available for
          general use.
          down(2) means the agent is not available for use.
      ::= { ippmSystem 5 }

   ippmSystemAggregatedMetrics OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmStandardMetrics
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "ippmSystemAggregatedMetrics lists the aggregated metrics that
          are performed in the SNMP agent instead of in the point of
      ::= { ippmSystem 6 }

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   ippmSynchronizationTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmSynchronizationEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "This table registers the event related to the synchronization
           of the points of measure. Each event is described in an
          ippmSynchronizationTable is mandatory.
          ippmSynchronizationTable content is read only."
      ::= { ippmSystem 7 }

      ippmSynchronizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmSynchronizationEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "An entry describes a modification of the synchronization
      INDEX { ippmPointOfMeasureIndex, ippmSynchronizationIndex }
      ::= { ippmSynchronizationTable 1 }

   IppmSynchronizationEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
          ippmSynchronizationIndex               Unsigned32,
          ippmSynchronizationTime                GMTTimeStamp,
          ippmSynchronizationStratum             Unsigned32,
          ippmSynchronizationResolution          Unsigned32

   ippmSynchronizationIndex     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1 .. 65535)
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "An index that identifies the synchronization events in
          chronological order.
          65535 is an arbitrary size. It is not recommended to keep
          permanently a history of 65535 events."
      ::= { ippmSynchronizationEntry 1 }

   ippmSynchronizationTime OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current

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          "The time when the synchronization event occurs."
      ::= { ippmSynchronizationEntry 2 }

   ippmSynchronizationStratum OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The stratum level of the clock computed when the
          synchronization event occurs."
      ::= { ippmSynchronizationEntry 3 }

   ippmSynchronizationResolution OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      UNITS      "Nanoseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The new time resolution computed after the synchronization
          event occurred."
      ::= { ippmSynchronizationEntry 4 }

   ippmPointOfMeasureTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmPointOfMeasureEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current

          " This table is the list of measurement end points available
          in the measurement system.

          Proxy mode:
          It is the list of the measurement end points of the set of
          probes for which the IPPM agent provides an SNMP interface.

          IPPM MIB implemented in a probe:
          It is the list of the measurement end points of the probe.

          The ippmPointOfMeasureTable content is read only. This
          implies that the measurement software handles the table
          internally ippmPointOfMeasureTable is mandatory."

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      ::= { ippmSystem 8 }

   ippmPointOfMeasureEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmPointOfMeasureEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          " An entry may be the management address of some middleware in
          charge of the management of a set of probes. It may the
          management address of a probe that contains several line

          An entry describes the capability of a point of measure.

          ippmPointOfMeasureMetrics lists the metrics handles by the
          point of measure."
      INDEX { ippmPointOfMeasureIndex }
      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureTable 1 }

   IppmPointOfMeasureEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      ippmPointOfMeasureIndex                Unsigned32,
      ippmPointOfMeasureMgmtAddrType         InetAddressType,
      ippmPointOfMeasureMgmtAddress          InetAddress,
      ippmPointOfMeasureTestAddrType      InetAddressType,
      ippmPointOfMeasureTestAddress          InetAddress,
      ippmPointOfMeasureMetrics              IppmStandardMetrics

   ippmPointOfMeasureIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1 .. 65535)
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "A local index that identifies an entry in the point of
          measure table."

      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureEntry 1 }

   ippmPointOfMeasureMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The address type associated with the management address."
      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureEntry 2 }

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   ippmPointOfMeasureMgmtAddress OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX InetAddress  (SIZE  (1..128))
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The management address on the point of measure"
      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureEntry 3 }

   ippmPointOfMeasureTestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "Defines the address type of the measurement interface of the
          point of measure."
      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureEntry 4 }

   ippmPointOfMeasureTestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX InetAddress
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the address of the measurement interface for the
          point of measure."
      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureEntry 5}

   ippmPointOfMeasureMetrics OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmStandardMetrics
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          " ippmPointOfMeasureMetrics lists the metrics this point of
          measure implements."
      ::= { ippmPointOfMeasureEntry 6 }

   ippmMetricsTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmMetricsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

      STATUS     current
          "This table is mandatory. It describes the current

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          implementation. Each IPPM standardized metric must be
          described in the table.
          ippmMetricsTable content is read only."
      ::= { ippmSystem 9 }

   ippmMetricsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmMetricsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "An entry describes the static capabilities of a metric
      INDEX { ippmMetricsIndex }
      ::= { ippmMetricsTable 1 }

   IppmMetricsEntry ::=
      ippmMetricsIndex           IppmMetricsRegistryIndex,
      ippmMetricsType            INTEGER,
      ippmMetricsUnit            INTEGER,
      ippmMetricsDescription     SnmpAdminString

   ippmMetricsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmMetricsRegistryIndex
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "ippmMetricsIndex defines an unambiguous index for each
          standardized metric. It identifies a metric, and as such its
          value is the value of the node of the metric in the IPPM
          registry. This value is the same in any implementation of the

          In the IPPM-METRICS-REGISTRY, onewayPacketLossAverage is
          registered as the node 14 of ippmMetricsRegistry.metrics.rfc.
          Consequently the index of the metric onewayPacketLossAverage
          in the IppmMetricsTable will always be '14'"
      ::= { ippmMetricsEntry 1 }

   ippmMetricsType OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only

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      STATUS     current
          "Indicates the metric type, whether it is network or
      ::= { ippmMetricsEntry 2 }

   ippmMetricsUnit OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The unit used in the current entity for the results of the
          measurement of this metric."
      ::= { ippmMetricsEntry 3 }

   ippmMetricsDescription OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "A textual description of the metric implementation following
          the exact name of this metric in the registry. For example:
          oneWayDelay: OWD Metric ."
      ::= { ippmMetricsEntry 4 }

   -- ippmOwners Group
   -- The ippmOwners objects are responsible for managing
   -- the owners access to the measurements.

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   ippmOwnersTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmOwnersEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
   "A management entity wishing to access or aggregate remote Ippm
   measurements in an agent must previously be registered in the
   ippmOwnersTable. This table is read-create and contains at least  the
   owner 'monitor'."

      ::= { ippmOwners 1 }

   ippmOwnersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmOwnersEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The description of the resources granted to an SNMP

          For example, an instance of ippmOwnersOwner with an
          IppmOwnerString 'acme', which represents the 14th owner
          created in ippmOwnersTable would be named
      INDEX { ippmOwnersOwner }
      ::= { ippmOwnersTable 1 }

   IppmOwnersEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      ippmOwnersOwner              IppmOwnerString,
      ippmOwnersGrantedMetrics     IppmStandardMetrics,
      ippmOwnersQuota              Unsigned32,
      ippmOwnersIpAddressType      InetAddressType,
      ippmOwnersIpAddress          InetAddress,
      ippmOwnersEmail              SnmpAdminString,
      ippmOwnersStatus             RowStatus

   ippmOwnersOwner OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmOwnerString
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The owner described by this entry."
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 1 }

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   ippmOwnersGrantedMetrics OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmStandardMetrics
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          " Defines the metrics granted to an owner for which
          measurements can be performed."
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 2 }

   ippmOwnersQuota OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The maximum number of records that this owner may have in the
          history table and in the report table."
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 3 }

   ippmOwnersIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     InetAddressType
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The IP address type of the management entity corresponding to
          this owner.
           InetAddressType is restricted to ipv4(1),ipv6(2)and dns(16)."
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 4 }

   ippmOwnersIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     InetAddress  (SIZE  (1..128))
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The IP address of the management entity corresponding to this
          owner. For example, the IP address of the management console
          used to send SNMP requests."
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 5 }

   ippmOwnersEmail OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The email address of the management entity corresponding to
          this owner."
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 6 }

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   ippmOwnersStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The status of this table entry. Once this status is set to
          active, the corresponding entry in the table may not be
      ::= { ippmOwnersEntry 7 }

   -- ippmHistory Group
   -- ippmHistoryTable

   ippmHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmHistoryEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

      STATUS     current
          "The table containing the measurement results."
      ::= { ippmHistory 1 }

   ippmHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmHistoryEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
         "An ippmHistoryEntry entry is one of the results of a measure
         identified by ippmHistoryMeasureOwner, ippmHistoryMeasureIndex,
         ippmHistoryMetricIndex and ippmHistorySequence.

         In the index :

         + ippmHistoryMeasureOwner identifies the owner of the measure;

         + ippmHistoryMeasureIndex identifies the measure in the owner

         + ippmHistoryMetricIndex identifies the metric measured by the

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         measure. The metric is described in the corresponding entry of
         the  ippmMetricsTable;

         + ippmHistorySequence is the sequence number of the measurement
         result for an entry in the history table."
      INDEX { ippmHistoryMeasureOwner, ippmHistoryMeasureIndex,
      ippmHistoryMetricIndex, ippmHistorySequence }
      ::= { ippmHistoryTable 1 }

   IppmHistoryEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
          ippmHistoryMeasureOwner      IppmOwnerString,
          ippmHistoryMeasureIndex      IppmOwnerIndex,
          ippmHistoryMetricIndex       IppmMetricsRegistryIndex,
          ippmHistorySequence          Unsigned32,
          ippmHistoryTimestamp         GMTTimeStamp,
          ippmHistoryValue             Integer32

   ippmHistoryMeasureOwner OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmOwnerString
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The owner of the measure that produced this result. The
          measure is either an ippmNetMeasure or an ippmAggrMeasure."
      ::= { ippmHistoryEntry 1 }

   ippmHistoryMeasureIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmOwnerIndex
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The owner index of the measure that produced this result. The
          measure is either an entry of the ippmNetMeasureTable or of
          the ippmAggrMeasureTable."
      ::= { ippmHistoryEntry 2 }

   ippmHistoryMetricIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmMetricsRegistryIndex
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          " ippmHistoryMetricIndex identifies the metric measured by the
          measure. The metric is described in the corresponding entry of
          the ippmMetricsTable."
      ::= { ippmHistoryEntry 3 }

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   ippmHistorySequence OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
          STATUS     current
          "ippmHistorySequence is the sequence number of the measurement
          results for a metric.

          Network metrics:
          It's the sequence number of a measurement packet. Typically,
          it identifies the order of the packet in the stream of packets
          sent by the source.

          Aggregated metrics:
          It is the sequence order of the aggregation computed."
      ::= { ippmHistoryEntry 4 }

   ippmHistoryTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The timestamp when the measurement occurred."
      ::= { ippmHistoryEntry 5 }

   ippmHistoryValue OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Integer32

      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The observed value of the measurement."
      ::= { ippmHistoryEntry 6 }

   ippmHistoryPathToResults   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "It is typically an URL describing the file location where
          bulk results are logged."
      ::= { ippmHistory 2 }

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   -- ippmNetMeasure Group

   -- ippmNetMeasureTable

   ippmNetMeasureTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmNetMeasureEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "An entry is a measurement that performs network measures and
          provides results.
          It performs several metric measurements per packet exchange.
          Each step of a measure produces a singleton result per metric.
          The time of the measurement and the value of the metric are
          saved in the ippmHistoryTable."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasure 1 }

   ippmNetMeasureEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmNetMeasureEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
         " The IppmNetMeasureTable is mandatory, and its content is read
         only. It means that the measurement software handles the table
         internally. The setup of the network measure is not permitted
         through the IPPM REPORTING MIB. As an example, OWAP provides a
         setup protocol to setup and tear down networks measures.

         The ippmNetMeasureMetrics is set to a list of metrics to be
         computed from the same raw packet exchange. Each step of
         measurement delivers a singleton per metric. Results are
         timestamped and saved in the ippmHistoryTable.

         One may create aggregated measures by using the results of
         network measures."

      INDEX { ippmNetMeasureOwner, ippmNetMeasureIndex }
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureTable 1 }

   IppmNetMeasureEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      ippmNetMeasureOwner               IppmOwnerString,
      ippmNetMeasureIndex               IppmOwnerIndex,

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      ippmNetMeasureName                SnmpAdminString,
      ippmNetMeasureMetrics             IppmStandardMetrics,
      ippmNetMeasureBeginTime           GMTTimeStamp,
      ippmNetMeasureCollectionRateUnit  TimeUnit,
      ippmNetMeasureCollectionRate      Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureDurationUnit        TimeUnit,
      ippmNetMeasureDuration            Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureHistorySize         Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureFailureMgmtMode     INTEGER,
      ippmNetMeasureResultsMgmt         INTEGER,
      ippmNetMeasureSrcPacketType       PacketType,
      ippmNetMeasureSrc                 PacketTypeAddress,
      ippmNetMeasureDstPacketType       PacketType,
      ippmNetMeasureDst                 PacketTypeAddress,
      ippmNetMeasureTxMode              INTEGER,
      ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRateUnit    TimeUnit,
      ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRate        Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureMedOrBurstSize      Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureDevOrIntBurstSize   Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureLossTimeout         Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureL3PacketSize        Unsigned32,
      ippmNetMeasureDataPattern         OCTET STRING,
      ippmNetMeasureTotalPktsRecv       Counter64,
      ippmNetMeasureLastUpdate          GMTTimeStamp,
      ippmNetMeasureOperState           INTEGER

   ippmNetMeasureOwner OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmOwnerString
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The owner of the network measure."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 1 }

   ippmNetMeasureIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmOwnerIndex
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The owner index of the network measure."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 2 }

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   ippmNetMeasureName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The name of the metric instance(s) as defined in
          ippmNetMeasureMetrics. It illustrates the specificity of the
          metric(s) and includes the metric(s) and the PacketType.

          IP-TCP-HTTP-One-way-Delay: free text "
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 3 }

   ippmNetMeasureMetrics OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmStandardMetrics
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "ippmNetMeasureMetrics defines the metrics to compute within
          this measure. Only network metrics of the same type are
          allowed in this field (e.g. poisson-based metrics and
          periodic-based metrics are incompatibles, while one-way delay
          and packet loss are generally processed simultaneously: a very
           bad delay is potentially a very good packet loss).

          Results are saved in the ippmHistoryTable.

          Results of a metric are identified using an index of type

          Given a multi-metrics measure of One-way-Delay(6) and One-way-
          Packet-Loss(12). The value of the field ippmNetMeasureMetrics
          is '0001000001000000'b, '1040'B. Results are logged in the
          ippmHistoryTable where One-way-Delay singletons have a value
          of ippmMetricsIndex of 6 while One-way-Packet-Loss singletons
          have a value of ippmMetricsIndex of 12.

      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 4 }

   ippmNetMeasureBeginTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current

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          "Specifies the time at which the measurement begins."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 5 }

   ippmNetMeasureCollectionRateUnit OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeUnit
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the unit of the measurement period."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 6 }

   ippmNetMeasureCollectionRate OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
           "Gives the period used to collect singletons from the point
           of measures. This value is used as the cycle period in the
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 7 }

   ippmNetMeasureDurationUnit OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeUnit
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the measurement duration unit."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 8 }

   ippmNetMeasureDuration OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the measurement duration."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 9 }

   ippmNetMeasureHistorySize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the maximum number of results saved for each metric
          of this measure.
          Overflow condition will be managed by the object

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          ippmNetMeasureResultsMgmt. "

      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 10 }

   ippmNetMeasureFailureMgmtMode OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     INTEGER {
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
          "This object defines whether this row (and the measure
          controlled by this row) is restarted automatically, manually,
          or discarded upon failure, or reboot of the measurement
               The measure is restarted automatically.
               The measure has to be restarted manually.
               The measure and it results are discarded.
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 11 }

   ippmNetMeasureResultsMgmt OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          Action to take when the log is full. The measurement system
          owner may choose to either wrap, in which case the agent
          writes over existing records. The user may choose to suspend
          writing to the log in the event that he wishes to archive the
          data. The resume action causes the agent to begin to write in
          the log, and assumes the data has been cleared.
          This object indicates the way the measurement results are
          managed when the owner quota has been exceeded:
               continue the measurement and erase the older entries in
               the history.

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               stop the measure and keep the results in the history.
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 12 }

   ippmNetMeasureSrcPacketType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX PacketType
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Defines the type P of the source address of the packets sent
          by the measure."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 13 }

   ippmNetMeasureSrc OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX PacketTypeAddress
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the address of the source of the measure.
          It is represented as a list of parameters corresponding to
          those of the PROTOCOL IDENTIFIER set in
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 14}

   ippmNetMeasureDstPacketType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX PacketType
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Defines the type P of the destination address of the packets
          sent by the measure."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 15 }

   ippmNetMeasureDst OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX PacketTypeAddress
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the address of the destination of the measure.
          It is represented as a list of parameters corresponding to
          those of the PROTOCOL IDENTIFIER set in
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 16 }

   ippmNetMeasureTxMode OBJECT-TYPE

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      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The transmit mode used to send the packets:

             The rule used to send the packets is unknown.
             Packets are sent periodically at ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRate
             Packets are sent using a Poisson law, the median is the
             value of ippmNetMeasureDevOrIntBurstSize, the deviation is
             Packets are sent bursty at ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRate. The
             size of the burst is made of ippmNetMeasureMedOrBurstSize
             Between 2 consecutive bursts, transmission stops during the
             time needed to send ippmNetMeasureDevOrIntBurstSize.

      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 17 }

   ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRateUnit      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeUnit
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The packet rate unit used to send the packets."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 18 }

   ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRate OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Unsigned32
      UNITS "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The rate the packets are sent."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 19 }

   ippmNetMeasureMedOrBurstSize   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      UNITS "Packets"

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      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          Multi-burst mode: This field represents the burst size in
          number of packets.
          Poisson mode: This field indicates the number of packets sent,
          on average, during each period corresponding to the median.
          The median is therefore

          If  TxPacketRateUnit/TxPacketRate is 100 packets/second, and
          if MedOrBurstSize, the number of packets sent during the
          period corresponding to the median is 50 packets, then the
          median equals 50*1/100 = 1/2 seconds.
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 20 }

   ippmNetMeasureDevOrIntBurstSize   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      UNITS "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          Multi-burst mode: This field indicates the gap between 2
          bursts, in number of packets.
          If TxPacketRateUnit/TxPacketRate is 100 packets/second,
          and DevOrIntBurstSize equals 50 packets, then the gap between
          2 bursts is equal to 50*1/100, or 1/2 second.

          Poisson mode:
          This field indicates the typical difference between the
          packets of the period corresponding to the median.

      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 21 }

   ippmNetMeasureLossTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      UNITS      "Milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current

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          "Specifies the delay after which the packet is considered
          lost by the sink."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 22 }

   ippmNetMeasureL3PacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      UNITS      "Bytes"
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the size of the packets counted at the IP network
          layer in regards to the PacketType definition.
          Example: For a PacketType 'ip ipip4' the L3 size will be the
          size of the packet at ipip4 level.
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 23 }

   ippmNetMeasureDataPattern OBJECT-TYPE

      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The pattern used to fill the payload of the packet."

      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 24 }

   ippmNetMeasureTotalPktsRecv  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter64
      UNITS "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "Reports the current number of packets received since the
          beginning of the measure.
          This parameters is useful to monitor the measure and it is
          needed to compute statistics."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 25 }

   ippmNetMeasureLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The time when the last aggregation was computed."

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      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 26 }

   ippmNetMeasureOperState OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "Reports the operational status of the network measure."
      ::= { ippmNetMeasureEntry 27 }

   -- ippmAggrMeasure Group


   -- ippmAggrMeasureTable

   ippmAggrMeasureTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF IppmAggrMeasureEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "An aggregated measure summarizes the results of previous
          network or aggregated measures. The results are saved in the
          Each step of the calculation for the measure produces a
          singleton result per metric."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasure 1 }

   ippmAggrMeasureEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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      SYNTAX     IppmAggrMeasureEntry
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "Typically, the configuration operation creates and sets the
          value of the fields of a new ippmAggrMeasureEntry.
          ippmAggrMeasureOwner and ippmAggrMeasureIndex identify the
          instance created.
          The field ippmAggrMeasureMetrics identifies the metric to
          compute. As such its ippmMetricsType should be 'aggregated'.

          The measure aggregates the results of a measure identified by
          ippmAggrMeasureHistoryOwner, ippmAggrMeasureHistoryIndex and
          ippmAggrMeasureHistoryMetric. The measure to aggregate belongs
          to ippmNetMeasureTable or ippmAggrMeasureTable.

          The aggregation starts at ippmAggrMeasureBeginTime and ends
          after ippmAggrMeasureDuration.

          An aggregated result is computed for each
          ippmMeasureCollectionRate tick and saved in the
      INDEX { ippmAggrMeasureOwner, ippmAggrMeasureIndex }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureTable 1 }

   IppmAggrMeasureEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      ippmAggrMeasureOwner                  IppmOwnerString,
      ippmAggrMeasureIndex                  IppmOwnerIndex,
      ippmAggrMeasureName                   SnmpAdminString,
      ippmAggrMeasureMetrics                IppmStandardMetrics,
      ippmAggrMeasureHistoryOwner           IppmOwnerString,
      ippmAggrMeasureHistoryIndex           IppmOwnerIndex,
      ippmAggrMeasureHistoryMetric          IppmMetricsRegistryIndex,
      ippmAggrMeasureFilter                 IppmMetricResultFilter,
      ippmAggrMeasureLowThreshold           Unsigned32,
      ippmAggrMeasureHighThreshold          Unsigned32,
      ippmAggrMeasureBeginTime              GMTTimeStamp,
      ippmAggrMeasureAggrPeriodUnit         TimeUnit,
      ippmAggrMeasureAggrPeriod             Unsigned32,
      ippmAggrMeasureDurationUnit           TimeUnit,
      ippmAggrMeasureDuration               Unsigned32,
      ippmAggrMeasureHistorySize            Unsigned32,
      ippmAggrMeasureStorageType            StorageType,
      ippmAggrMeasureAdminState             INTEGER,
      ippmAggrMeasureFastReport             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
      ippmAggrMeasureResultsMgmt            INTEGER,
      ippmAggrMeasureLastUpdate             GMTTimeStamp,

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      ippmAggrMeasureOperState              INTEGER,
      ippmAggrMeasureNbPktsTreated          Counter64,
      ippmAggrMeasureStatus                 RowStatus

   ippmAggrMeasureOwner OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     IppmOwnerString
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The owner who has configured this entry."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 1 }

   ippmAggrMeasureIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmOwnerIndex
      MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
      STATUS     current
          "The index of the aggregated measure. The value is managed by
          the owner."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 2 }

   ippmAggrMeasureName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The name of the instance of the metric. It illustrates the
          specificity of the metric and includes the metric and the

          example: IP-port-HTTP-connectivity: free text."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 3 }

   ippmAggrMeasureMetrics OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmStandardMetrics

      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "ippmAggrMeasureMetrics defines the metrics to compute within
          this aggregated measure.

          Only aggregated metrics of the same type are allowed in this
          field (e.g. Measurement of minimum, average and maximum
          metrics are generally processed simultaneously on the same
          network measure).

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          Results are saved in the ippmHistoryTable.

          Results of a metric are identified using an index of type

          Given a multi-aggregation of One-way-Delay-Median(9) and
          One-way-Delay-Minimum(10). The value of the field
          ippmAggrMeasureMetrics is '0000011000000000'b, '0600'B.

          Results are logged in the ippmHistoryTable where
          One-way-Delay-Median singletons have a value of
          ippmMetricsIndex of 9 while One-way-Delay-Minimum singletons
          have a value of ippmMetricsIndex of 10.

          NOTE WELL: It is not recommended to use the multi aggregation
          capability in conjunction with the filter feature.
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 4 }

   ippmAggrMeasureHistoryOwner OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmOwnerString
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The owner of the measure to summarize. "
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 5 }

   ippmAggrMeasureHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmOwnerIndex
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The owner index of the measure to summarize. "
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 6 }

   ippmAggrMeasureHistoryMetric OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX IppmMetricsRegistryIndex
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The metric of the measure to summarize. "
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 7 }

   ippmAggrMeasureFilter OBJECT-TYPE

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      SYNTAX IppmMetricResultFilter
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          ippmAggrMeasureFilter defines the kind of filter to apply on a
          result to determine if the result is stored or not. The
          parameters of the filter are ippmAggrMeasureLowThreshold and

          Thresholds have the same unit as the metric value.

          In the following examples we consider an aggregated measure.
          Its low threshold is set to 80.its high threshold is set to
          100. The aggregation produced a flow of 12 aggregated results
          {40 30 60 85 140 130 190 95 50 90 30 20}.

          If the filter is set to 'logInBandValue' then the results 85,
          95, 90 will be stored.

          If the filter is set to 'logOutBandValue' then the results 40
          30 60 140 130 190 50 30 20 will be stored.

          If the filter is set to 'logAboveValue' then the results 140
          130 190 will be stored.

          If the filter is set to 'logBelowValue' then the results 40 30
           60 50 30 20 will be stored.

          If the filter is set to 'logUpAndDownValue' then the results
          40, 140, 50 will be stored."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 8 }

   ippmAggrMeasureLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "An event is generated when the result of the measure of the
          metric is lower that the value of ippmAggrMeasureLowThreshold.
          The threshold has the same unit as the metric. The metric unit
          is recorded in the object ippmMetricsUnit of this metric entry
          in the ippmMetricsTable.
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 9 }

   ippmAggrMeasureHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE

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      SYNTAX Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "An event is generated when the result of the measure of the
          metric exceeds the value of ippmAggrMeasureHighThreshold.
          The threshold has the same unit as the metric. The metric unit
          is recorded in the object ippmMetricsUnit of this metric entry
          in the ippmMetricsTable.
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 10 }

   ippmAggrMeasureBeginTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the time at which the aggregated measure starts."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 11 }

   ippmAggrMeasureAggrPeriodUnit OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeUnit
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the unit of the aggregated measure period."
      DEFVAL { second }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 12 }

   ippmAggrMeasureAggrPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the amount of time between 2 measurement action
          intervals. The action is specific to the semantic of the

          Network metrics:

          The ippmNetMeasureClockPattern transforms the flow of
          periodical instants as a flow of unpredictable instants of
          measurement packet emission.

          As the source and the sink share the definition of the clock
          of the measure, and as the sending timestamp is part of the
          measurement packet, the sink has the information to verify

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          that the stream of packets generated by the source respects
          the clock law.

          Aggregated metrics:

          They are performed periodically on a sequence of results of
          other measures. The period corresponds to the interval between
          two successive computations of the metric. The value of
          ippmHistoryTimestamp result of a aggregated metric computed
          corresponds to the value of the ippmHistoryTimestamp of the
          last metric result of the sequence used to compute the
          aggregated metric."
      DEFVAL { 60 }

      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 13 }

   ippmAggrMeasureDurationUnit OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX TimeUnit
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the unit of the measure duration."
      DEFVAL { second }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 14 }

   ippmAggrMeasureDuration OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the duration of the measure."
      DEFVAL { 120 }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 15 }

   ippmAggrMeasureHistorySize OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     Unsigned32
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "Specifies the maximum number of results saved for each metric
          of this measure. Overflow condition will be managed by the
          object ippmAggrMeasureResultsMgmt. "
      DEFVAL { 2 }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 16 }

   ippmAggrMeasureStorageType OBJECT-TYPE

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      SYNTAX     StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
          "This object defines whether this row and the measure
          controlled by this row are kept in volatile storage and lost
           upon reboot or if this row is backed up
          by non-volatile or permanent storage.

          Possible values are: other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3),
          permanent(4), readOnly(5)."
      DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 17 }

   ippmAggrMeasureResultsMgmt OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "This object displays the way the history of the aggregated
          measure is managed.
             continue the measure and erase the older entries in the
             stop the measure and keep the results in the history.
      DEFVAL { wrap }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 18 }

   ippmAggrMeasureAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "This object controls the activity of the aggregated measure.
             The aggregated measure is started.
             The aggregated measure is stopped."
      DEFVAL { start }

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      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 19 }

   ippmAggrMeasureFastReport OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "A fast report is required in order to verify quickly that a
          measure is running well.
          'fast report' feature is active if ippmAggrMeasureFastReport
          is not null and points to a notification.
          A fast report consists of sending by email to the owner of the
          measure, a table of the results of all the metrics computed by
          this aggregated measure. The owner email address is read from
          the ippmOwnersTable.

          ippmAggrMeasureFastReport identifies the notification which
          defines the header of the report.

          The results part of the report is made of a column of results
          per metrics. Results are separated using commas.

          To avoid disaster, an aggregated measure using a fast report
          must have a cycle of aggregation greater than or equal to 1
          second and should not sent more than an email every 5 minutes
          and should not sent more than 12 emails."
      DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 20 }

   ippmAggrMeasureLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX GMTTimeStamp
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "The time when the last aggregated measure was computed."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 21 }

   ippmAggrMeasureOperState OBJECT-TYPE
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current

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          "Reports the operational status of the aggregated measure."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 22 }

   ippmAggrMeasureNbPktsTreated  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Counter64
      UNITS  "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS     current
          "Reports the current number of packets used to calculate the
          aggregation since the start of the measure.

          This parameters is useful to monitor the measure and it is
          needed to compute statistics."
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 23 }

   ippmAggrMeasureStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX     RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS read-create
      STATUS     current
          "The status of this entry. Once the entry status is set to
          active, the associate entry cannot be modified.
      ::= { ippmAggrMeasureEntry 24 }

   -- IPPM  Notifications

   ippmAggrMeasureReport    NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS      {

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      STATUS       current
          "A notification sent because the value of the measure is under
          the high threshold value and greater than the low threshold
          The notification contains the instances of the
          ippmHistoryValue object that exceeded the threshold.
          The notification contains the instances of the
          ippmHistoryTimestamp identifying the time the event occurred.
          ippmHistoryPathToResults is a link to the file name, which
          contains detailed results corresponding to this event."
      ::= { ippmNotifications 1 }

   ippmAggrMeasureHistoryFull    NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS      {


      STATUS       current
          "A notification sent when the size of the history of a metric
          of a aggregated measure exceeds ippmAggrMeasureHistorySize.
          The agent will then manage the reports according to the policy
          described in ippmAggrMeasureResultsMgmt."
      ::= { ippmNotifications 2 }

   ippmNetMeasureHistoryFull    NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      OBJECTS {

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      STATUS       current
          "A notification sent when the size of the history of a metric
          of a network measure exceeded ippmNetMeasureHistorySize. Then
          the agent manages the records according to the policy
          described in ippmNetMeasureResultsMgmt."
      ::= { ippmNotifications 3 }

   -- IPPM MIB Conformance statements

   ippmCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ ippmConformance 1 }

   ippmGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ ippmConformance 2 }

   ippmProxyInterDomainCompliances         MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS             current
          "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
          the IPPM MIB as a proxy in interdomain. The implementation of
          the VACM control is mandatory."
      MODULE -- this module

          ippmSystemGroup, ippmHistoryGroup, ippmNetMeasureGroup,
          ippmAggrMeasureGroup, ippmNotificationGroup

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureName
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureMetrics
      MIN-ACCESS read-only

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         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureBeginTime
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureCollectionRateUnit
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureCollectionRate
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDurationUnit
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDuration
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureHistorySize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureFailureMgmtMode
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureResultsMgmt
      MIN-ACCESS read-only

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         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureSrcPacketType
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureSrc
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDstPacketType
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDst
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureTxMode
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRateUnit
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRate
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureMedOrBurstSize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only

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         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDevOrIntBurstSize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureLossTimeout
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureL3PacketSize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDataPattern
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      ::= { ippmCompliances 1 }

   ippmProxyCompliance         MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS             current
          "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
          the IPPM MIB as a proxy."
      MODULE -- this module
          ippmSystemGroup, ippmOwnersGroup, ippmHistoryGroup,
          ippmNetMeasureGroup, ippmAggrMeasureGroup,
      GROUP ippmOwnersGroup
          "The ippmOwnersGroup is manadatory if VACM is not

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      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureName
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureMetrics
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureBeginTime
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureCollectionRateUnit
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureCollectionRate
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDurationUnit
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDuration
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureHistorySize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another

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         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureFailureMgmtMode
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureResultsMgmt
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureSrcPacketType
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureSrc
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDstPacketType
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDst
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureTxMode
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRateUnit
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another

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         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureTxPacketRate
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureMedOrBurstSize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDevOrIntBurstSize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureLossTimeout
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureL3PacketSize
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."

      OBJECT   ippmNetMeasureDataPattern
      MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "In Proxy mode network measures may be managed using another
         interface than SNMP."
      ::= { ippmCompliances 2 }

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   ippmEmbeddedCompliance  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS             current
          "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
          the IPPM MIB in a probe."
      MODULE -- this module
          ippmSystemGroup, ippmHistoryGroup, ippmNetMeasureGroup
      ::= { ippmCompliances 3 }

   ippmSystemGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

      STATUS  current
          "The IPPM System Group"
      ::=  { ippmGroups  1}

   ippmNetMeasureGroup   OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS  {

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      STATUS  current
          "The IPPM Network Measure Group"
      ::=  { ippmGroups  2}

   ippmHistoryGroup   OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS  {
      STATUS  current
          "The IPPM History Group"

      ::=  { ippmGroups  3}

   ippmAggrMeasureGroup       OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS  {

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      STATUS  current
          "The IPPM AggregatedMeasure Group"
      ::=  { ippmGroups 4}

   ippmOwnersGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS  {
      STATUS  current
          "The IPPM Owners Group"
      ::=  { ippmGroups 5}

   ippmNotificationGroup       NOTIFICATION-GROUP

      STATUS  current

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          "The IPPM Notification Group"
      ::=  { ippmGroups 6}


8.  Security Considerations

8.1  VACM Access control

   View Based Access Control, or VACM may be used to restrict access to
   certain objects, or even object instances within tables.  For
   example, one may:

   o  Give an 'administrator' write access to the ippmOwnersTable,
      whereas all other users may only have read access;

   o  Give access to individual rows in the network measure, aggregated
      measure, history, and report table to particular owners based upon
      indexing on an 'owners name', and even upon a particular measure.
      This will be illustrated below.

   o  Give access of one owner's measure, and associated results, to
      another owner in order to create an aggregated measure based upon
      the results.

8.1.1  Example of implementing VACM control for the IPPM-REPORTING-MIB

   The following example illustrates how one could use VACM to restrict
   access to particular objects within the MIB.  It uses syntax specific
   to a particular agent development toolkit, but may be generalized
   using the concepts as defined in the VACM MIB.

   In this example, we have two NMS users, namely user1=owner1 and

   1) First we define the two users and their host addresses:

   com2sec        owner1    owner1computer@    private

   com2sec        owner2    owner2computer@    private

   2) We then define SNMPv2c groups

   group    owner1    v2c    owner1

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   group    owner2    v2c    owner2

   view    notif        included    ippmNotifications    ff

   3.1) For the user owner1, we now define the views for which he will
   have read access

   # covers PointOfMeasureTable SynchronizationTable and all scalars

   view    owner1read    included    ippmSystem        ff

   # covers OwnersTable

   view    owner1read    included    ippmOwners        ff

   # covers MetricsTable

   view    owner1read    included    ippmMeasure    ff

   # covers NetworkMeasureTable

   view    owner1read    included
   ippmNetMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   # covers AggrMeasureTable

   view    owner1read    included
   ippmAggrMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   3.2) We will now define the views for which owner1 will have write

   view    owner1write    included
   ippmAggrMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   # covers ReportSetupTable

   view    owner1read    included
   ippmReportSetupOwner.    ff.df.c0

   view    owner1write    included
   ippmReportSetupOwner.    ff.df.c0

   # covers HistoryTable

   view    owner1read    included
   ippmHistoryMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

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   # covers ReportTable

   view    owner1read    included
   ippmReportSequence.    ff.df.c0

   3.3) For owner2, we will define the views for which he has read

   view    owner2read    included    ippmSystem        ff

   view    owner2read    included    ippmOwners        ff

   view    owner2read    included    ippmMeasure    ff

   # covers NetworkMeasureTable plus let's say the owner1 network
   measure of index X

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmNetMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmNetMeasureOwner.    ff.df.e0

   # covers AggrMeasureTable plus let's say the OWNER1 aggregated
   measure of index Y

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmAggrMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmAggrMeasureOwner.    ff.df.e0

   3.4) For owner2, we will define the views for which he has write

   view    owner2write    included
   ippmAggrMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   # covers ReportSetupTable

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmReportSetupOwner.    ff.df.c0

   view    owner2write    included
   ippmReportSetupOwner.    ff.df.c0

   # covers HistoryTable plus OWNER1 related X network measure results
   and OWNER1 related Y aggregated measure results

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   view    owner2read    included
   ippmHistoryMeasureOwner.    ff.df.c0

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmHistoryMeasureOwner.    ff.df.e0

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmHistoryMeasureOwner.    ff.df.e0

   # covers ReportTable

   view    owner2read    included
   ippmReportSequence.    ff.df.c0

   3.5) Now we give the two users access to the views defined above.
   Note that owner1 and owner2 have read access to owner1read and
   owner2read views respectively.  They have write access to owner1write
   and owner2write view respectively.  And they both have access to all
   the notifications.

   access    owner1    ""    any    noauth    exact    owner1read
   owner1write    notif

   access    owner2    ""    any    noauth    exact    owner2read
   owner2write    notif

8.2  Privacy

   The privacy concerns of network measurement are intrinsically limited
   by the active measurements.  Unlike passive measurements, there can
   be no release of existing user data.

8.3  Measurement aspects

   Conducting Internet measurements raises both security and privacy
   concerns.  This memo does not specify an implementation of the
   metrics, so it does not directly affect the security of the Internet
   nor of applications that run on the Internet.  However,
   implementations of these metrics must be mindful of security and
   privacy concerns.

   There are two types of security concerns: potential harm caused by
   the measurements, and potential harm to the measurements.  The
   measurements could cause harm because they are active, and inject
   packets into the network.  The measurement parameters MUST be
   carefully selected so that the measurements inject trivial amounts of
   additional traffic into the networks they measure.  If they inject
   "too much" traffic, they can skew the results of the measurement, and

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   in extreme cases cause congestion and denial of service.

   The measurements themselves could be harmed by routers giving
   measurement traffic a different priority than "normal" traffic, or by
   an attacker injecting artificial measurement traffic.  If routers can
   recognize measurement traffic and treat it separately, the
   measurements will not reflect actual user traffic.  If an attacker
   injects artificial traffic that is accepted as legitimate, the loss
   rate will be artificially lowered.  Therefore, the measurement
   methodologies SHOULD include appropriate techniques to reduce the
   probability measurement traffic can be distinguished from "normal"

   Authentication techniques, such as digital signatures, may be used
   where appropriate to guard against injected traffic attacks.

8.4  Management aspects

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB that
   have a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-only.  Such
   objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.

   SNMPv1 by itself is not a secure environment.  Even if the network
   itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no
   control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and GET/
   SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB.

   It is recommended that the implementors consider the security
   features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework.  Specifically, the use
   of the User-based Security Model RFC 2574 [18] and the View-based
   Access Control Model RFC 2575 [21] is recommended.

   It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP
   entity giving access to an instance of this MIB, is properly
   configured to give access to the objects only to those principals
   (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/
   create/delete) them.

9.  Document management

9.1  Open issues

      Do we use accessible-for-notify to report index values in the
      notifications ?

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      ippmNetMeasure items Read Write ?

      Do we need an "IANA Considerations" Section ?

      Do we need separate NetMeasure history from aggregateMeasure
      History (may help compliance module spec) ?

9.2  Changes done since release 05

   o  Document rewriten in xml;

   o  Section 3 updated with the "standard" introductionary text for

   o  nodes cleanup;

   o  ippmNetMeasure max acces set to read-create;

   o  proxy compliances module reviewed for the usage of the
      ippmNetMeasureTable with a min acces of read-only;

   o  A new co-authored: Tom;

9.3  Changes done since release 04

   o  Report Group deleted:

      *  reportHistoryTable deleted;

      *  reportSetupTable deleted;

   o  6 related notifications deleted;

   o  low and high thresholds added in ippmAggrMeasureTable;

   o  TC IppmOwnerIndex added to clearly define the owner namespace.

   o  GMTTimestamp time origine changed to NTP (1900).

9.4  Changes done since release 03

   o  SMI subtype: INTEGER vs Integer32...;

   o  SMI UNITS: Clauses added;

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   o  cleanup of DEFVAL values;

   o  Counter/index wrapping:

   o  the index of the table wrap independently of the sequence of the
      results.  That makes it very difficult for application to track
      the results.  As the sequence id identify the instance of the
      result of a measure the index is removed both from the table and
      from the index clause:

      *  ippmHistoryIndex removed from ippmHistoryEntry;

      *  ippmHistoryIndex removed from the INDEX clause of the table

      *  ippmReportIndex removed from ippmAggrHistoryEntry;

      *  ippmReportIndex removed from the clause INDEX of
         ippmAggrHistoryEntry INDEX clause of the table

9.5  Changes done since release 02

   o  Security/VACM: sharing table removed; ippmMeasure merged with
      networkMeasure and AggrMeasure to have all networkMeasure objects
      in read only.  Indexes belong to the table; remove all reference
      to SNMPv1 ...inSNMPTrapPDU

   o  System: ippmSystemOperationalStatus added ippmSynchronizationTable
      adapted for proxy mode: ippmPointOfMeasureIndex added to the index
      of ippmSystemCurrentSynchronization removed from system
      capabilities: ippmPointOfMeasureMetrics added to
      IppmPointOfMeasureEntry; ippmMetricsType added to

   o  Owners: ippmMetricMaxHistorySize replaced with quota in

   o  ippmOnHistoryFullAction replaced with resultsMgmt in aggr and

   o  network measure: ippmNetMeasureOperState added to indicate the
      state of the network measure state; added burst mode; state of the
      measure: nb of singletons collected and oper status added;

   o  aggregated metric: fast report added to get raw results by email;

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   o  report setup: onReportDeliveryClearHistory removed from

   o  Map field added to network, aggr and report tables to help to map
      on topology map or admin view.

10.  Acknowledgments

   A Kerbe.

11.  References

11.1  Normative References

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J.,
              McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of
              Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC
              2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J.,
              McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Textual
              Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder,
              "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
              April 1999.

11.2  Informative References

   [RFC2330]  Paxson, V., Almes, G., Mahdavi, J. and M. Mathis,
              "Framework for IP Performance Metrics", RFC 2330, May

   [RFC2678]  Mahdavi, J. and V. Paxson, "IPPM Metrics for Measuring
              Connectivity", RFC 2678, September 1999.

   [RFC2679]  Almes, G., Kalidindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A One-way
              Delay Metric for IPPM", RFC 2679, September 1999.

   [RFC2680]  Almes, G., Kalidindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A One-way
              Packet Loss Metric for IPPM", RFC 2680, September 1999.

   [RFC2681]  Almes, G., Kalidindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A Round-trip
              Delay Metric for IPPM", RFC 2681, September 1999.

   [RFC3357]  Koodli, R. and R. Ravikanth, "One-way Loss Pattern Sample
              Metrics", RFC 3357, August 2002.

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   [RFC3393]  Demichelis, C. and P. Chimento, "IP Packet Delay Variation
              Metric for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM)", RFC 3393,
              November 2002.

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D. and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for
              Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
              December 2002.

   [RFC3432]  Raisanen, V., Grotefeld, G. and A. Morton, "Network
              performance measurement with periodic streams", RFC 3432,
              November 2002.

Authors' Addresses

   Stephan Emile
   France Telecom R & D
   2 avenue Pierre Marzin
   Lannion,   F-22307

   Phone: +33 2 96 05 11 11
   Fax:   +33 2 96 05 18 52

   Jewitt Jessie
   France Telecom R&D
   801 Gateway Blvd. Suit 500
   South San Francisco,   CA-94080


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Intellectual Property Statement

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
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Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).  All Rights Reserved.

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   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

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   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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